we don’t code user interface for conditional fields yet, it’s a complex thing.
could you add following lines to functions.php and review results?
//1. add fields to section "Setup Fields"
add_filter('woe_get_order_fields', 'woe_func_add_order_fields');
function woe_func_add_order_fields($fields) {
$fields['payment_method_custom_id'] = array( 'label' => 'Payment Method Id', 'colname' => 'Payment Method Id', 'segment' => 'common', 'checked' => 1 );
return $fields;
//2. prepare field for xls,csv
add_filter('woe_get_order_xls_value_payment_method_custom_id', 'woe_get_value_payment_method_custom_id', 10, 2);
add_filter('woe_get_order_csv_value_payment_method_custom_id', 'woe_get_value_payment_method_custom_id', 10, 2);
function woe_get_value_payment_method_custom_id($value,$obj_order) {
if($obj_order->payment_method_title == "Direct Bank Transfer")
return 1;
else if($obj_order->payment_method_title == "Cash on Delivery")
return 2;
return 0;
thanks, alex