No problem man, just remember to be patient when you post on here. Hundreds of people are posting questions every day, so it’s very easy for one to get lost in the mix. Eventually, someone will find it!
To answer your question, the loop is what retrieves post or page information.
The loop starts with:
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
and ends with:
<?php endwhile; else: ?>
<p><?php _e(‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
1) Copy page.php template from your template directory. At the very top of the file, add this to the very first line:
Template Name: About Page
After the line with the_post() and before the first endwhile, add this line:
echo $post->comment_count;
Save the file as about.php and upload it to your current template directory. Login to your WordPress admin page and go to manage pages to select your about page. This will bring up the page editor. You will have your title and page content. Well below that, you will see a section saying “Page Template”. Click the dropdown box and select About Page. Now your about page will load the about.php file instead of the standard page.php
You can read about the loop here:
Hope this helps.
– The Wiz