Hello fcariboni,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
If you have knowledge of action and filter then, you can customize our plugin as mentioned below the steps.
apply_filters('wqcmv_table_headers', $default_headers);
You can utilize above filter to add your own heading.
function wqcmv_table_headers_custom( $default_headers){
$default_headers['desc'] = esc_html__('Description', 'woocommerce-quick-cart-for-multiple-variations');
return $default_headers;
add_filter( 'wqcmv_table_headers','wqcmv_table_headers_custom', 10, 1 );
For the content of custom column you can use below filter.
apply_filters('wqcmv_table_headers_content', $key, $variation_id);
I hope this helps. Let us know still if any.