• Hello,

    I’d like to add the “Review Collector” by Ausgezeichnet.org to my thank you page. Unfortunately I could not find a lot of information about this topic. The info mail says I should add the code in “<body> … </body>” on the thank you page. Any help is greatly appreciated.


    <!– Ausgezeichnet.org-Collector: Begin –><div id=”myAusgezeichnetModal” class=”aus-modal-wrapper”> <div id =”questionDiv” class=”aus-modal”> <div class=”aus-header”>   <span id=”myAusgezeichnetSpan” class=”aus-btn-close”>×</span> </div> <div class=”aus-body”> <p class=”aus-text-please-rate-us” style=”font-size: x-large;font-weight: bold”>Bitte bewerten Sie uns!</p> <p style=”font-size: small;font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.5″>Waren Sie zufrieden? Dann bewerten Sie uns bitte bei der unabh?ngigen Bewertungsplattform <span style=”color: rgb(243, 89, 33)”>AUSGEZEICHNET.ORG</span>.</p> <p class=”aus-text-want-rating-question” style=”font-size: x-large;font-weight: bold” id=”questionTxtId”>M?chten Sie uns nach Erhalt der Ware bewerten?</p> </div> <div class=”aus-footer”> Nein, danke. Ja, ich m?chte. <p style=”font-size: small; margin-bottom: 0;”>Für die Bewertung gelten die AUSGEZEICHNET.ORG Bewertungsrichtlinien</p> <p style=”font-size: small”>Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung finden Sie hier</p> </div> </div> <div id =”emailDiv” class=”aus-modal” style=”display: none”> <div class=”aus-header”> <span id=”myAusgezeichnetSpanEmail” class=”aus-btn-close”>×</span> </div> <div class=”aus-body”> <p style=”font-size: x-large;font-weight: bold” id=”inputEmailTxt”>Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein</p> <input type=”text” class=”aus-email-input” id=”txtEmail” placeholder=”[email protected]”/> <input type=”hidden” id=”txtHiddenCurrentLanguage” value=”de_DE”/> <p id=”invalidEmailText” style=”margin-top: 0;color: red; display:none”>E-Mail ist ungültig….</p> </div> <div class=”aus-footer”> Senden </div> </div> <style> .aus-modal-wrapper {display: none;font-family:Arial;position: fixed;z-index: 99999;left: 0;top: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;overflow: auto;background-color: rgb(0,0,0);background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);} .aus-modal {background-color: #fefefe;margin: auto;border: 1px solid #aaa;margin-top:100px;width: 90%; border-radius: 5px; max-width: 600px; overflow:hidden;} .aus-header {height: 50px; line-height: 50px; text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 0 20px; background: #eee;} .aus-btn-close {color: #aaaaaa;font-size: 20px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:none;cursor: pointer;} .aus-body { border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 20px; text-align: center;} .aus-footer {padding: 15px 20px; text-align: center; padding-top: 10px;background: #eee;box-sizing: content-box;} .aus-email-input {width: 60%; min-width: 300px; outline: none; border: 1px solid #ddd; font-size: 15px;height: 40px; padding: 0 10px; border-radius: 2px; margin-bottom: 1em;} .aus-btn {padding: 0 10px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; color: #333; border: 1px solid #aaa; border-radius: 5px; background-color: #fff; text-decoration: none;display: inline-block; text-align: center;} .aus-btn:hover {background-color: #ddd;} .aus-primary-btn {background-color: rgb(243, 89, 33); border-color: rgb(28, 143, 55); color: white;} .aus-primary-btn:hover {background-color: rgb(28, 143, 55); border-color: rgb(243, 89, 33); color: rgb(243, 89, 33);} @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .aus-modal {margin: 20px auto;} .aus-email-input {min-width: 1px; width: 90%;} } @media screen and (max-height: 600px) { .aus-modal {margin: 20px auto;} .aus-text-please-rate-us, .aus-text-want-rating-question {margin: 0;} } </style> </div> <script type=”text/javascript”>window.tokenSendEmailCollector = “T0Iyss40r1TuEqCooAG7j8jwDN2n_nheVi0WbSG_B8w”;</script> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”//siegel.ausgezeichnet.org/widgets/js/5a80594e4c741743f14125c2/collector.js”></script><!– Ausgezeichnet.org-Collector: End –>

    With best regards

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  • Plugin Author SOGO


    Hi Max

    You should edit the thank you page and you will see the box to enter script that will be added to the body, you simply need to paste it all there and save the page


    Thread Starter donaulife


    Unfortunately the Thank you page (or “Order received page”) is an endpoint and can not be edited so easily. Are there any workarounds?

    Plugin Author SOGO


    you will need to add it to all pages in the settings … and change the script so it will trigger only if the page has element in it

    Thread Starter donaulife


    Ok I think that goes way over my skills but thank you anyway.

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