Hi ssdenis89
May I ask you to send us a screenshot of the “tracking code manager” settings and the url of your website?
We also need a web page URL, or more, where we can check the source code to see what is going on and, eventually, some screenshots of your plugin settings or about how you have defined the script.
This is a typically WP order received thank you page where we can check what happens https://yourwebsite.com/checkout/order-received/227/?key=wc_order_57551effa7a05 (where 227 and 57551effa7a05 changes every time you make a new order).
I hope you can understand that, without information, it is very difficult for us to figure out how to reproduce your issue and, eventually, help you to fix it.
You can also open a ticket in our tech team helpdesk where we will be glad to help you, sending an email to [email protected].
Best regards