• We are building a website using Bootstrap 3 and needed to have tinymce table plugin to build our tables. We loved your plugin, but we had just a couple of problems. Mainly, for twitter bootstrap to work, we needed to add classes and ids to the table.

    We took your code and modified it to do this with just a couple of changes to the plugin for the v4 plugin. The main changes were made to the tableDialog function and it was just adding a couple of items in. I thought that you would like to see these changes and include them in a future release.

    function tableDialog() {
        var dom = editor.dom, tableElm, data;
        tableElm = dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'table');
        data = {
            width: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'width') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'width')),
            height: removePxSuffix(dom.getStyle(tableElm, 'height') || dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'height')),
            cellspacing: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellspacing'),
            cellpadding: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'cellpadding'),
            border: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'border'),
            cssClasses: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'class').replace(' mce-item-table', '').replace('mce-item-table', ''),
            cssId: dom.getAttrib(tableElm, 'id'),
            caption: !!dom.select('caption', tableElm)[0]
        each('left center right'.split(' '), function(name) {
            if (editor.formatter.matchNode(tableElm, 'align' + name)) {
                data.align = name;
            title: "Table properties",
            items: {
                type: 'form',
                layout: 'grid',
                columns: 2,
                data: data,
                defaults: {
                    type: 'textbox',
                    maxWidth: 50
                items: [
                    {label: 'Width', name: 'width'},
                    {label: 'Height', name: 'height'},
                    {label: 'CSS Classes', name: 'cssClasses', maxWidth: 200},
                    {label: 'CSS ID', name: 'cssId', maxWidth: 200},
                    {label: 'Cell spacing', name: 'cellspacing'},
                    {label: 'Cell padding', name: 'cellpadding'},
                    {label: 'Border', name: 'border'},
                    {label: 'Caption', name: 'caption', type: 'checkbox'},
                        label: 'Alignment',
                        minWidth: 90,
                        name: 'align',
                        type: 'listbox',
                        text: 'None',
                        maxWidth: null,
                        values: [
                            {text: 'None', value: ''},
                            {text: 'Left', value: 'left'},
                            {text: 'Center', value: 'center'},
                            {text: 'Right', value: 'right'}
            onsubmit: function() {
                var data = this.toJSON(), captionElm;
                editor.undoManager.transact(function() {
                    editor.dom.setAttribs(tableElm, {
                        cellspacing: data.cellspacing,
                        cellpadding: data.cellpadding,
                        border: data.border,
                        class: data.cssClasses,
                        id: data.cssId
                    editor.dom.setStyles(tableElm, {
                        width: addSizeSuffix(data.width),
                        height: addSizeSuffix(data.height)
                    // Toggle caption on/off
                    captionElm = dom.select('caption', tableElm)[0];
                    if (captionElm && !data.caption) {
                    if (!captionElm && data.caption) {
                        captionElm = dom.create('caption');
                        captionElm.innerHTML = !Env.ie ? '<br data-mce-bogus="1"/>' : '\u00a0';
                        tableElm.insertBefore(captionElm, tableElm.firstChild);
                    if (data.align) {
                        editor.formatter.apply('align' + data.align, {}, tableElm);


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  • What do you think about a PR on GitHub https://github.com/jakemgold/mce-table-buttons ?

    Hi, I’m not tech enough to do anything intelligent on GitHub (sometimes not even understanding what I’m reading).
    But I would really LOVE to be able to put a background color (without having to do it with html coding).
    So I’d love to see this added to the next upgrade or to see fix here, in Support.

    Plugin Author Jake Goldman


    Hey Marie – I’m wary because the JS is from TinyMCE’s core table’s plugin: I’m disinclined to maintain a fork of that module, but I’ll consider it. Maybe I can extend it.



    +1 for class/id attributes on tables

    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'oi_tinymce');
    function oi_tinymce($settings) {
    	$new_styles = array(
    			'title' => 'None',
    			'value'	=> ''
    			'title'	=> 'Table',
    			'value'	=> 'table',
    	$settings['table_class_list'] = json_encode( $new_styles );
    	return $settings;

    Excellent, kaarel145. Thank you!

    Hello, can someone explain kaarel145s function to me? For version 2.0 would I just add that as is to functions or would I change one of the arrays… for example… my class is ‘table-class’, would I change the title and value you have as Table and table to Table Class and table-class? I tried this function out and as is it does seem to allow me to add the class I want however I don’t see that anything shows up by default other than value in the class pulldown. Thanks.

    wyclef, it only does that, ie. add it to the class pulldown so you can select it. And yes, that is how you would edit it. Aside from the one for None and Table, you could insert more array()’s with title/value to it to add more classes.

    Ok, that’s what I thought. Problem I’m having is I just see ‘value’ in the drop down and then when I select it I can enter the class I want. I’m on WP 3.7.7 with MCE Table Buttons 2.0.

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