Add blank row after each new vendor on Product Summary Report
Hi there. I am wanting to add a blank row after each new vendor on the product summary report. So I already have my xls sheet sorted by “Sold By” category and I am wondering how I can do something like… after each new “Sold By” value, create a blank row. Again, this is on the Summary Report by Products sheet. Can this be done with your plugin? Thank you in advance! We greatly appreciate your quick replies.
I am also wondering if there are options to fill cells with colors. Thank you again!
please, share your settings .
you can get them at tab “Tools”Hello. Pasted are the settings from the Profile I am working on. Thanks for the quick reply!
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Please, append this code to Misc Settings
add_action('woe_summary_before_output' , function() { $current_seller = false; $new_rows = array(); foreach($_SESSION['woe_summary_products'] as $data) { if($current_seller AND $current_seller!=$data['Sold By']){ $new_rows[]=array(); $current_seller=$data['Sold By']; } $new_rows[]=$data; } $_SESSION['woe_summary_products'] = $new_rows; });
you should use hook woe_xls_print_footerto tweak generated Excel file
there is an example at
Unfortunately your code did not add a blank row after each new vendor, but I will keep tweaking to see if I can get it. Thanks again.
you’re welcome.
I’m sorry, I can’t debug this code, I have a lot of tickets daily.No worries at all. I can debug, and thanks for taking the time. Would you mind maybe explaining your approach to the logic used in the above code? Thanks again!
Update for anyone who might need it. This is the working code that adds a blank row after each new seller. Thanks again for the help!
add_action('woe_summary_before_output' , function() { $current_seller = false; foreach($_SESSION['woe_summary_products'] as $data) { if ($current_seller != $data['Sold By']){ $new_rows[]=array(); $current_seller=$data['Sold By']; } $new_rows[]=$data; } $_SESSION['woe_summary_products'] = $new_rows; });
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
you’re welcome
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
- The topic ‘Add blank row after each new vendor on Product Summary Report’ is closed to new replies.