Hi Steve ( @costellos )
I would suggest putting your custom codes to this file:
At the bottom there is a filterItem() function, which you should insert the codes, depending on where would you like to display them. For example, if you put them like this (to the item->nname at the end):
function filterItem($item) {
$item->classes = implode(' ', $item->classes);
$item->nname = '<span>' . $item->title . '</span>';
if ($this->_config['displaynum'] && $item->productnum != 0) {
$item->nname = $this->renderProductnum($item->productnum) . $item->nname;
if (!$this->_config['parentlink'] && $item->p) {
$item->nname = '<a>' . $item->nname . '</a>';
} else {
$target = '';
if(!empty($item->target)) $target = 'target="'.$item->target.'"';
$item->nname = '<a '.$target.' data-gatype="" data-galabel="" href="' . $item->url . '">' . $item->nname . '</a>';
Then the page source will look like this regarding to each item:
<a data-gatype="" data-galabel="" href="#"><span>home</span></a></span>