• Resolved german_martin


    Currently I can show 3 types of attacthment

    * All
    * Documents
    * Images

    I’m using Documents that exclude images, Is there a way to exclude Videos too?

    I was looking line 382 in eg-attachents-public.inc.php to exclude videos in
    if ($where != ”) {
    $where = str_replace($wpdb->posts.’.post_mime_type LIKE \’notimage/%\”, $wpdb->posts.’.post_mime_type NOT LIKE \’video/%\”,$where);
    return $where;

    but I can’t make it work.

    Can you give me some help?

    Thank you!!


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  • Thread Starter german_martin


    I made it just replace:

    if ($where != ”) {
    $where = str_replace($wpdb->posts.’.post_mime_type LIKE \’notimage/%\”, $wpdb->posts.’.post_mime_type NOT LIKE \’image/%\”,$where);

    with this

    function posts_where($where) {
    global $wpdb;

    if ($where != ”) {
    $where1 = str_replace($wpdb->posts.’.post_mime_type LIKE \’notimage/%\”, $wpdb->posts.’.post_mime_type NOT LIKE \’image/%\”,$where);
    * Agregado por mi para filtrar videos GERMAN
    $where2 = “AND (wp_posts.post_mime_type NOT LIKE ‘video/%’)”;
    $where = $where2++ . $where1;
    return $where;


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