Add allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen params
Hi, the allowfullscreen and webkitallowfullscreen are needed for embeds with fullscreen functionality. Could you please add it?
kind regards,
Thank you for the feedback.
I’ll check it out and if it is possible (not break anything, needed for most part of users, etc) I will add to next version of the plugin.
You could add it manually to your copy of the plugin for now.
Thank you Vitaly for having a look. I’ll explain a bit more and try to convince you then! ?? I’m one of the creators of, a web service for 3D artists to display their models online. For embedding in we recommend everyone to install your plugin and actually generate the necessary code in-site for copy pasting. You can see some embed examples at (not wordpress)
This is why we would like the plugin to have this enabled for everyone and not just hack it on our side.
kind regards,
webkitallowfullscreen and mozallowfullscreen params are deprecated.
Try to embed youtube video via iframe code and you will see only ‘allowfullscreen’ param in iframe code.
Vimeo is still adding all 3 params to embed iframe code, but if Google and Mozilla dropped the support of vendor prefixed params than there is no need to support 2 extra deprecated params (webkitallowfullscreen and mozallowfullscreen).
Why do you need ‘allowfullscreen’ param for your service?
How do you use it?Yes indeed, however youtube uses flash and doesn’t even require that allowfullscreen param, it must be using some flash specific way to fullscreen(?).
This is how our regular iframe code looks like:
<iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”480px” frameborder=”0″ seamless allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe>
I’m really not the iframe expert but we tried with only “allowfullscreen” and that doesn’t work in Chrome, even the latest versions. Firefox indeed works just fine without the moz prefix so we didn’t bother with that ??
Yeah, you are right, ‘allowfullscreen’ does not work without ‘webkitallowfullscreen’ in Chrome. I tested it on YouTube video in html5 mode (without flash). Strange behavior.
I will check it out and write you back in a few days.
Awesomeness. Thanks for the fast reply
Sorry, but I will not add ‘allowfullscreen’ param to default params.
Iframe plugin installed on many sites and new param could cause problems in future. I am trying to keep plugin’s code light and the default params should satisfy the needs of majority.
I recommend you just to add your params to your copy of the plugin.
Iframe plugin is pretty light and has all basic functionality checked by time and on many sites and I don’t think that it will be change a lot in future.But even if it will be changed in future and you would like to use newer version than you only need to add few lines of code.
That’s just too sad. I wish we could find an alternate solution! As I mentioned we recommend your plugin to thousands of users so telling them to edit the source isn’t really an option.
Could not this be an option in the iframe code? The alternative would be for us to fork it and create a specialized plugin. Would you be ok with that? Not sure if your plugin is open source ??
kind regards
Maybe I’m missing something. I just read about
get_params_from_url – allows to add GET params from url to the src of iframe; Example: page url –, shortcode – [iframe src=”” get_params_from_url=”1″], iframe src – (disabled by default);
any_other_param – allows to add new parameter of the iframe [iframe any_other_param=”any_value”];
any_other_empty_param – allows to add new empty parameter of the iframe (like “allowfullscreen” on youtube) [iframe any_other_empty_param=””];Wow! So is this actually a solution or I’m missreading?
HAH it freaking works, thanks a lot for your help. I guess your plugin has everything i can possible need ??
have a great weekend
Iframe plugin is Open Source (like everything else on and you could fork it if you wish.
But you could simply can use this shortcode:
[iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen=""]
You can even drop (width=”100%” height=”480″) because these params set as defaults and they will be added automatically.
Wish you good luck too.
Works perfectly, I have updated our code generator. Will leave the width and height in cases users want to change it ??
thanks a lot
I walked thru site and I think it is very awesome idea.
There are many interesting models, especially this one.3d-model works correctly even on smartphone on Android.
IMHO you could show random 3d-model on homepage like a presentation of what service does. Because 1 3d-model is always better than 1000 words.
And I did not found how to search models on homepage. I used google for that.
Thanks for the interest ?? We need to do a public gallery indeed! ??
You could check out how made it. – is a site where users could publish their code samples.
At the bottom of the homepage you can find latest or popular code samples.
Code samples are changed frequently and homepage is fresh all the time.
It is great because users will check out other user’s ideas and maybe will create something new via inspiration.
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