• Resolved ahsesino


    Great plugin, does exactly what I need for my multisite. I was just wondering how can I add additional info on the meta box? If you follow this link: sitio3.apit.gruposanoja.com/inmuebles/ you will see a thumbnail and to it’s right you can see additional info. That thumb and info are coming from another plugin I’m using (Realtor Express)this plugin creates its own table on my DB. Anyhow what I’m trying to figure out is how to display that info on each post from the other sites to the main site using NLP, below is the code from the actual plugin that gets that info and display’s it on the thumb.

     * @file
     * Defines the view of custom excerpt displayed on the listing search result
     * Available variables:
     *  - $listing - the listing object.
     *  - $thumbnail - post thumbnail.
     *  - $permalink - link to the post.
     *  - $floor_space_units - Sqm or Sqft based on settings.
    <div id="rex-listing-content">
    	<div id="rex-listing-thumbnail" class="rex-listing-div">
    		<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $permalink ); ?>"><?php echo $thumbnail; ?></a>
    	<div id="rex-listing-details" class="rex-listing-div">
    				<?php esc_html_e('Price: ', 'realtor-express'); ?>
    				<?php echo esc_html( $listing->getPrice() ); ?>
    				<?php esc_html_e('Bedrooms: ', 'realtor-express'); ?>
    				<?php echo esc_html( $listing->bedrooms ); ?>
    				<?php esc_html_e('Baths: ', 'realtor-express'); ?>
    				<?php echo esc_html( $listing->baths ); ?>
    				<?php esc_html_e('Floor Space: ', 'realtor-express'); ?>
    				<?php echo esc_html( $listing->floor_space ) . " " . $floor_space_units; ?>
    	<div class="float-breaker"></div>

    Thanks in advance


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  • Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    Hi thank you for your kind words. I’m wondering if the plugin stores blog IDs along with posts or one table for each blog?

    If $listing is a global object, then I imagine you could tweak NLP to include those fields in it.

    If you check the source code lines 651 (for paginated results) & 877 (without pagination) there is this line:


    it switches to each blog, you could try putting realtor’s output right below that line and see what happens.

    I hope this points you in the right direction, if you have any other question please do not hesitate to ask.

    Thread Starter ahsesino


    Thanks for the fast reply Jose, the answer to your question about the plugin storing blog IDs well it doesn’t, this plugin is not a multisite plugin so it creates a new table for each blog ID within the DB; giving the following name per blog ID : wp_#_rex_listings.
    I added the realors code right below

         esc_html_e('Price: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->getPrice() ); 
         esc_html_e('Bedrooms: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->bedrooms ); 
         esc_html_e('Baths: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->baths ); 
         esc_html_e('Floor Space: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->floor_space ) . " " . $floor_space_units;

    and all it did was remove the post and display:


    well the logic in my head tells me I need to add a query in your code per post to select table “wp_#_rex_listings” and display Price, Bedrooms, Baths, Floor space and address for every post. I’m guessing it would have to go right below line 716 since I want to display the info there.

    Thread Starter ahsesino


    Based on my last post this is what I came up with to retrieve the data:

    // Get all blog ids
    $blogids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs");
      foreach ($blogids as $blog_id)
        $query = ('SELECT price, bedrooms, bath, floor_space, address FROM $wpdb->%rex_listing%');
        if($listing = ($query)) //run query
         //retrieve and echo every record
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($listing))
    	echo "<p>{$row['price']}<br />
    		 {$row['bedrooms']}<br />
    		 {$row['bath']}<br />
    		 {$row['floor_space']}<br />
         } else {

    Now I’m just trying to figure out where to place it nad crossing my fingers the syntax is correct since I’m fairly new to WordPress.

    Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    Hello sorry for the late response, I’ve been kind of busy with some projects. Let’s see, you shouldn’t need to query for Blogs IDs because Network Latest Posts already keeps them, besides that, when entering the switch_to_blog() you’ve one more advantage, the $all_blogkeys[$field->guid] is the Blog ID you’d need.

    So in theory, if the plugin creates tables for each Blog ID like: wp_#_rex_listings then in this example you could do something like:

        $currentBlogID = $all_blogkeys[$field->guid];
        $query = ("SELECT price, bedrooms, bath, floor_space, address FROM $wpdb->$currentBlogID_rex_listing");
        if($listing = ($query)) //run query {
             //retrieve and echo every record
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($listing)) {
    	      echo "<p>{$row['price']}<br />
    		   {$row['bedrooms']}<br />
    		   {$row['bath']}<br />
    		   {$row['floor_space']}<br />
         } else {

    I’ve not tested this but it shouldn’t be so far of what you’re looking for. I hope this points you in the right direction.

    Best regards,
    José SAYAGO.

    Thread Starter ahsesino


    Hello Jose thanks for the reply and for trying to help me with this issue, the code you posted above breaks the plugin but thats not an issue. I manage to come up with a solution that retrieves the info but it’s about 90% complete since it retrieves all data from each table instead of retrieving the info that corresponds to that specific post. the code is below also.

    global $wpdb;
     $prefix = $wpdb->prefix;//get current site table prefix
     $table_listings = 'rex_listings'; // name to attach to prefix
     $tablename = $prefix.''.$table_listings; // combine prefix and name
     $table_posts = 'posts';
     $table = $prefix.''.$table_posts;
     //start the query and echo results
     $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT listing_id, price, bedrooms, baths, floor_space FROM $tablename, $table WHERE $tablename.listing_id =     $table.id");
    foreach($result as $row ){
     echo "<div class='info'> Listing ID: <span> $row->listing_id</span>  Price: <span>$ $row->price</span>  Bedrooms: <span>$row->bedrooms</span>  Baths: <span>$row->baths</span>  Floor Space: <span>$row->floor_space sqm</span> </div>";

    this is where I’m currently stuck.
    You can see this bit of code in action at the following link: apit.gruposanoja.com/inmuebles

    the only issue right now is possibly a join that is not working correctly and I cant figure it out if my life depended on it.

    Thanks again for the reply.

    Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    Hello again,

    Actually I’m wondering why don’t you reuse the realtor plugin. Try using the code below:

         // Include the realtor plugin
         require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/realtor-express/realtor.php' );
         // Set listing object for current post
         $listing = new RexListing( $field->ID );
         // Print data as usual
         esc_html_e('Price: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->getPrice() );
         esc_html_e('Bedrooms: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->bedrooms );
         esc_html_e('Baths: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->baths );
         esc_html_e('Floor Space: ', 'realtor-express');
         echo esc_html( $listing->floor_space ) . " " . $floor_space_units;

    That way you don’t need to query the database, instead you’ll be using realtor classes.

    Please let me know if this works.

    Thread Starter ahsesino


    Wow your a genius, it worked like a charm. On my defense its the 2nd wp site I build so I’m still learning.

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards;


    Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    I’m glad it is working as you expected. Please remember as this is a customization keep a local copy of your changes because they’ll be lost once the plugin has been updated. I’ll try to find a way to make it easier to integrate custom functions like this in future versions.


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