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  • Plugin Support Chrystl



    Did you get these flags by adding the pll_the_languages in the single.php of your theme?

    Thread Starter scatmax


    Yes, I added the pll_the_languages in single.php

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    In the CSS I just added padding-left: 20px;
    It seems good.

    .lang-item {
    display: inline;
    text-transform: capitalize;
    padding-left: 20px;
    Thread Starter scatmax


    Thanks, it does work, but it also change the look to the switcher on the top bar. This is exactly what I want to avoid.

    I would like to have a space just between the 2 languages, or 3, 4 etc in the next future.

    Thank you

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    Try this:

    .post-byline .lang-item {
    padding-left: 10px;
    Thread Starter scatmax


    Yuppieeeeeeeeee!!!! Thank you so much ??

    Sorry to jump in, but can you help me with this? I want to add space between flag. Thanks.

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