• Hi!
    Thank you for your plugin.

    I need to add a required field to form: a checkbox for the acceptance of privacy policy.

    I tried to add this code:

          <p class="form-row validate-required" id="rqa_privacy_row">
              <label for="rqa-privacy" class=""><?php _e( 'Accettazione privacy','yith-woocommerce-request-a-quote' ) ?>
                <abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr>
              <input type="checkbox" name="rqa-privacy" value"accetto">Accetto la <a href="/privacy">privacy policy</a>

    Chechbox is showed properly but now, if I click the Send your request button without filling any field, the system sends the message.

    Can anyone help me to accomplish this task?

    Thanks in advance

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