• Possible to add a “Next Tag” and/or a ‘Next Month’ link to the archive page navigation bar?

    An example:

    If you click on a tag, lets say “FURNITURE”, and on that archive page you wanted to add a link that would take you to the same archive page of the next category in your category list. So on the FURNITURE page I want a link that says “Next Tag”, etc. Same for date, just next month instead of next tag.

    Here is the code for adding a ‘next category’ page link for reference (thanks alchymyth):

    //alchyhmyth 2011
    //a simple next/prev category navigation for category archives
    foreach(get_categories() as $all_cat) {  $cat_ids[] = $all_cat->term_id; }
      $this_cat = get_query_var('cat');
      $this_cat_position = array_search( $this_cat, $cat_ids ); ?>
    <?php $prev_cat_position = $this_cat_position -1;
          if( $prev_cat_position >=0 ) {
          $prev_cat_id = array_slice( $cat_ids, $prev_cat_position, 1 );
        echo '<a href="' . get_category_link($prev_cat_id[0]) . '">? ' . get_category($prev_cat_id[0])->name . '</a>'; } ?>
    <?php $next_cat_position = $this_cat_position +1;
          if( $next_cat_position < count($cat_ids) ) {
          $next_cat_id = array_slice( $cat_ids, $next_cat_position, 1 );
    echo '<a href="' . get_category_link($next_cat_id[0]) . '">' . get_category($next_cat_id[0])->name . ' ?</a>'; } ?>


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