Hi Josh.
Thanks for the tips and link.
I downloaded the caption skin and added the files as recommended, but have not been able to create the effect yet ??
Most likely I have overlooked something.
I manually added the code to line 162 in my media-slideshow.php, just above the closing slides tag, and also checked the css code. I believe it should be possible to change size and form of the caption layer easily.
How do edit the text for the transparent layer?
And do I have to add more code to allow multiple lines of text?
The Compass them (inkthemes.com) that I use originally works with the slit slider – which I chose, because it has a very userfriendly and functional caption section in the template. Alas, I was not aware that the slider comes only with preset effects, and does not allow desolves between slides (which I want on my website).
Now I miss the text layer…
Unfortunately, I am not confident adding and editing the necessary code and will need more guidance to get it to work.
Ideally, the caption section will cover about 50% of the screen (left half) and about 60% from bottom to top. As I’ve described earler, text should fade in and fade, before slides change.
This is most likely beyond the kind of assistance you usually give, but I dare ask you…
If you have the appropriate code at hand, and will tell me where to integrate it with my plugin editor, I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks, Mark