Hi @shannona, the primary goal of this plugin is to collect emails so that they may be informed when subscribed or if someone has won the giveaway. Due to that, I have not envisioned anything like this when making the plugin.
I suppose, you could hide it with CSS if you are embedding it into a post, page or in a widget. This can be done by entering custom CSS with a plugin or in a theme option if there is one.
The giveaway form can be hidden by using the code .giveasap_form {display: none !important;}
For hiding the form on the actual giveaway page, you can only do that by adding the CSS to the template file. That can be done with Plugins > Editor => Simple Giveaways and then open the template: giveasap/public/giveasap_template.php.
You can add this link to the URL after /wp-admin, to get to that plugin if you have the free plugin installed: /plugin-editor.php?file=giveasap%2Fpublic%2Fgiveasap_template.php&plugin=giveasap%2Fgiveasap.php
Then find this part:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $style_href; ?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/fontawesome/4.6.3/css/font-awesome.min.css">
And after that add:
.giveasap_form {display: none !important;}
That won’t enable your users to register and collect entries to the actual giveaway and also will not send any emails from the actual Giveaway plugin.
Also, if you change the template file of the plugin, you will lose the CSS after the plugin gets updated.
I will see to include some new options of adding custom CSS to each particular giveaway.
But for additional form and other stuff, I’ll see what I can do in some future updates.
Thank you for contacting me.
Let me know in this thread if you need anything else:)
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Igor Benic.