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  • Try this in your custom css:

    #product-211 .quantity:after {content:"Pallets"; margin-left:10px}

    or for all products:

    .quantity:after {content:"Pallets"; margin-left:10px}

    If your theme does not have a setting where you can enter custom css, you can use a plugin like this one:

    Thread Starter Vadim


    Thats awesome, thanks!

    Is there any way to make it work with multiple languages? I have 3 languages set on my site.

    Thread Starter Vadim


    I use WPML plugin

    I’ll have to leave it to you to provide the translations:

    html[lang="en-US"] .quantity:after {content:"Pallets"; margin-left:10px}
    html[lang="ru-RU"] .quantity:after {content:"abcd"; margin-left:10px}
    html[lang="lv-LV"] .quantity:after {content:"1234"; margin-left:10px}

    Thread Starter Vadim


    You are my hero of the day! Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter Vadim


    Marking as resolved

    Hi guys!

    In relation to this Woocommerce concern,

    I have the following attributes/variations now:
    Size – Size A and Size B
    Units – Box and Case

    I want the title “Box” or “Case” to display next to the quantity selector on the single product page.

    If the user selects “Box”, the text “Box” would appear next to the quantity selector

    If the user selects “Case”, the text “Case” would appear next to the quantity selector

    Any idea how I can achieve this?

    Thank you!

    Hello !

    @lorro thank you for you codes. But i have one question regarding this. The unit (i changed it to m2) is very small and pushed upvords. I can’t seem to correct that with any code.
    Any ideas anybody ?

    Thank you,

    It sounds like that might be solved with some custom css. Please could you post the url to a relevant page so the markup can be examined with browser tools.

    Thank you for the quick anwser. Here is the specific page:

    .woocommerce .quantity, .woocommerce #content .quantity, .woocommerce-page .quantity, .woocommerce-page #content .quantity {
      width: 130px !important;
    #product-4183 .quantity:after {
      content: "m2";
      margin-left: 10px;

    Thank you very much for your quick solution.
    Resolved !


    I need to display different units next to the quantity button depending on the type of my products. So, I included an individual label for each product as you suggest:

    #product-211 .quantity:after {content:”Unit01″; margin-left:10px}
    #product-212 .quantity:after {content:”Unit02″; margin-left:10px}

    However, I also need to include the quantity button with its corresponding label within my shop archive pages and I found the following code to do it (

    * Code should be placed in your theme functions.php file.
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link’, ‘quantity_inputs_for_woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link’, 10, 2 );
    function quantity_inputs_for_woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link( $html, $product ) {
    if ( $product && $product->is_type( ‘simple’ ) && $product->is_purchasable() && $product->is_in_stock() && ! $product->is_sold_individually() ) {
    $html = ‘<form action=”‘ . esc_url( $product->add_to_cart_url() ) . ‘” class=”cart” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data”>’;
    $html .= woocommerce_quantity_input( array(), $product, false );
    $html .= ‘<button type=”submit” class=”button alt”>’ . esc_html( $product->add_to_cart_text() ) . ‘</button>’;
    $html .= ‘</form>’;
    return $html;

    With this code, the quantity button appears in the shop archive pages but the unit label is missing. Could anybody help me with this?

    Thank you very much.

    Please post the url for your shop archive page.

    Generally, on the shop archive page, products do not have their own class. Is this so on your site? This makes it difficult to use css to make changes to one product and not another. If the products don’t change much, you can count them along the page and use the :nth-child(n) css selector. As soon as you change the products, the count changes, and so will the css that applies to one and not another. Unlikely to be a satisfactory method.

    If so, you would need to put some extra code in the function to detect the product and work out the corresponding units. This may take the form:

    $product_id = $product->get_id();
    switch ($product_id) {
      case 123:
      case 124:
        $units = "Unit01";
      case 125:
        $units = "Unit02";
        $units = "Unit03";

    PHP skills would be needed to develop this into some working code.

    Hi, thank you for your help.

    I′m starting with my first web page and I’m building it in local host, so I don’t have yet any available URL at internet. I will look for a free hosting as soon as possible to send you the shop archive page link.

    In the meanwhile, I will follow your suggestions.

    Thanks again.

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