• I am using adsense manager. I created a couple of ad formats with a name, channel and the adsense account ID. I then go to my adsense account online and dont see the channel there will all the other channels I have created. Why is it not showing up? and how do I track the click revenue and Click through rate for that ad?

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  • I think you need to do in reverse way, you need to setup all of adsense channels on your adsense account and then use it on adsense manager.
    As for tracking the clicks, I’m not sure if adsense manager can do that, try googling ‘adsense tracking’, maybe you can get some information.

    Tracking is done on the Google AdSense site using channels: AdSense Manager just outputs the ads for you, it doesn’t have access to what happens next.

    Set up your channels first through the AdSense site and then copy the Channel number into the field for that under Manage/Ads. That should do the trick for you! Let me know if you need any more help.

    It is also happening at my site.. I have installed adsense manager and make the channel name. And then make a copy to my Adsense.. But for 2 days I have not yet see any information at my adsense account. Anything wrong?

    Are the impressions showing up in the main results just not under channels?

    If you have no results listed at all then you need to check your Google ID under Options>Adsense Manager to make sure it’s correct. There is a link there to get it from your AdSense account.

    If impressions are registering just not for the correct channel you need to make sure that the channel number is in the setup for that ad. Check the instructions here.

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