Activity Wall: Only display activities linked to projects cuser is assigned to
As i keep going to say, this plugins really owns ?? I’m a designer, and i like when plugins come with templates that i can really customize.
However, i was really surprised when, while logged in with a new test-subscriber, i saw that i can see activity logs about projects im not assigned in!!!!
Oh!!! What a conception mistake!
As you bring us some functionnality to assign users to projects and task, users MUST NOT be able to see the whole site activities ..
They only have to see activities assigned to projects that the current user is assigned to …You really should implement this functionnality ( and, and i presume that the calendar also show the whole site calendar ? ).
I can not wait for an update, so here is what i changed in content-activity.php to not allow user to see the whole site activity, but only theirs.
It also deleted “corrupted activities” (which were concerning a deleted project) [ like: “user commented on activity”.Unfortunaly, i did not implement pagination.. I think i will need later…
To make pagination working, i have to rewrite it, as this script filter the activities, and does not display the full loops.Content-activity.php :
<?php // [....] // Get Current User global $current_user, $cp; get_currentuserinfo(); // Get Activities // $paged = ( ! empty( $_GET['activity_page'] ) ) ? esc_html( $_GET['activity_page'] ) : 1; // Load plugin options $cp_options = get_option( 'cp_options' ); $activities_args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1); echo '<div class="cp-activity-list">'; if ( cp_has_activities( $activities_args ) ) : $activityCount = 1; while( cp_activities() ) : cp_the_activity(); global $post; $row_class = ($activityCount % 2) ? 'even' : 'odd'; // Avatar $activity_user = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_cp-activity-author', true); $activity_user = get_userdata( $activity_user ); $activity_action = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_cp-activity-action', true); $activity_type = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_cp-activity-type', true); $activity_id = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_cp-activity-ID', true); /* Wanted to not allow to display activities from projects that the current_user is not assigned to. The projects on my site are private, so i don't want all user, to see projects name, or files name, posted by others users, in others project. Cheking for each activity_types, if the user is assigned to the project */ if($activity_type==__('project', 'collabpress') || $activity_type=="project" || $activity_type=="projet"){ $activity_users = get_post_meta( $activity_id, '_cp-project-users', false); }else if($activity_type==__('task', 'collabpress')|| $activity_type=="tache" || $activity_type==__('task list', 'collabpress') || $activity_type=="liste de taches"){ $activity_users = get_post_meta( get_post_meta($activity_id, '_cp-project-id',true), '_cp-project-users', false); }else{ $activity_users = get_post_meta( get_post_field('post_parent',$activity_id) , '_cp-project-users', false); } if (is_array($activity_users[0])){ $userTable = $activity_users[0]; // Don't display unwanted activities if ( $activity_user && in_array($current_user->ID,$userTable)) : ?> <div class="cp-activity-row <?php echo $row_class ?>"> <a class="cp-activity-author" title="<?php $activity_user->display_name ?>" href="<?php echo CP_DASHBOARD; ?>&user=<?php echo $activity_user->ID ?>"><?php echo get_avatar($activity_user->ID, 32) ?></a> <div class="cp-activity-wrap"> <p class="cp-activity-description"><?php echo $activity_user->display_name . ' ' . $activity_action . ' ' . __('a', 'collabpress') . ' '. $activity_type ?>: <a href="<?php echo cp_get_url( $activity_id, $activity_type ); ?>"><?php echo get_the_title( $activity_id ); ?></a></p> </div> </div> <?php // Activity count before endif, so we can use it to count the real page items number, as we don't display the full query results. Required for pagination $activityCount++; endif; } endwhile; else : echo '<p>'.__( 'No Activities...', 'collabpress' ).'</p>'; endif; /* // Pagination if ( $cp->activities->max_num_pages > 1 ) { echo '<p class="cp_pagination">'; for ( $i = 1; $i <= $cp->activities->max_num_pages; $i++ ) { echo '<a href="' . CP_DASHBOARD . '&view=activity&activity_page=' . $i . '" '.( ( $paged == $i ) ? 'class="active"' : '' ) . '>' . $i . '</a> '; } echo '</p>'; } */ // [...] ?>
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