Active extra fields
A new custom field plugin.If your looking for a custom field plugin for WP 3.0 with various field types and validation ,this is what you need.
This plugin is used to validate custom fields and post taxonomies .Custom field can be organised under metaboxes.
Meta boxes settings include location(normal,side),priority(high,low) and the post type to display them for.With it you can create custom
fields using the following type of input:- simple input text
- Multi line text
- WYSIWYG editor
- Drop down list
- Checkbox
- Checkbox list
With the input also comes validations
- Required field validation (text,textarea,WYSIWYG)
- String length (max and min)
- Maximum selection (checkboxes,hierarchical taxonomies)
- Minimum selection (checkboxes,hierarchical taxonomies)
- Maximum entry (non hierarchical taxonomies)
- Minimum entry (non hierarchical taxonomies)
- No selection ,usefull for drop down list when the is a value that must not be selected
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