• Resolved jimatems


    When trying to activate NoMoreCaptchas, I get an error message:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home2/emscienc/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/nomorecaptchas/no-more-captchas-validate.php on line 309

    Line 309 reads $ip = getenv(‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’)? :


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  • Plugin Author oxfordbio


    We have not yet been able to replicate the error, but that line is what allows the dashboard to show you the location of the user that was blocked or allowed. We’ll continue to investigate, and will let you know as soon as we’ve learned more.

    In the meantime, d\Did you manually install or use the WordPress installation function? I just want to rule out that any files could have accidentally not been transferred during installation.
    Any information you’d like to share (domain, wordpress version, etc) would be greatly appreciated.

    Thread Starter jimatems


    I downloaded the zip file and installed using the download option. I also tried installing directly from WordPress plugins. Same result both ways.

    Domain is https://www.emsciences.com/blog

    Plugin Author oxfordbio


    OK, thanks. There are two potential reasons we’ve found for the error: the most likely one is that your server is running an old and possibly out-dated version of PHP.

    The other, which is less likely since you did try installing directly from WordPress, is that some of the files did not get overwritten or the new folder uploaded when this new version was installed. Can you confirm that that folder /wp-content/plugins/nomorecaptchas/geoip-api is there with 3 subfolders (admin, src & timezone)?

    I’m testing a patch for you now, assuming it is a question of an older version of PHP on your server. Hope to have this resolved for you shortly.

    Thread Starter jimatems


    I deleted the NoMoreCaptchas folder from the server but backed the entire blog section up first. So, I can confirm that all three subfolders were in place but there is nothing at the moment. I would very much like to use and pay for the program.

    A question rather than a problem (I think): Is there a way to add NoMoreCaptchas to the contact form on our web site (not the blog portion itself)?

    Thanks for putting forth the effort for me.

    Plugin Author oxfordbio


    We can most likely help you with that as well, but in order to do so, I’d need to know more about your site that I don’t want to have you tell the world through this forum. Can you please write me at william (dot) scheckel at oxford-biochron.com?
    Then I can continue to help you more expediently and confidentially.

    Plugin Author oxfordbio


    Glad we could resolve your issue and help you upgrade!

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