• I have successfully installed WordPress and downloaded two themes. The first, Twenty Ten 1.1 activates and displays as expected but when I activate the alternative Atahualpa 3.4.9 instead of the theme image being displayed I get only a simple header with links:
    Powered by WordPress & the Atahualpa Theme by BytesForAll. Discuss on our WP Forum

    Anybody know what I am doing wrong?

    Beyond that, I have no idea what to do next or how to edit, link pages etc. but I will research that once I have the theme operational.

    Many thanks

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  • In Appearance you should have Atahualpa Theme Options this where you can customize the theme.

    As is you do not have any content thats why you do not see any content.

    I have 23 videos on my website to walk you through how to use admin panel click on my name and am always available if you do not understand any part of videos.

    Thread Starter paulhen


    Thanks for your input govpatel. Perhaps it is best if you click on this link as I have now activated the theme that does not seem to function properly:

    You mention your website but not the url which is?

    @paulhen Click on my name to go to my website.

    Looks like you have not installed the theme properly
    How did you install from admin panel as I did install without any problem in my test site


    using ftp or server you need to delete or rename that folder you installed if it is in wp-content/themes folder that will force your twenty ten theme to open.

    Log in admin panel click on Appearance Themes on themes page click Install Theme
    in search bar put Atahualpa and you will see it in search click on install once installed click on activate.

    Thread Starter paulhen


    My webhoster supports wordpress and I installed the prog through there. Then I uploaded the unzipped theme to a directory on my site ftp. It said it completed OK. When I go to themes in admin it shows both themes and the Atahualpa shows a window image just as my previously installed Twenty Ten theme. I can activate either one of them and have. The Twenty Ten shows up properly. The Atahualpa shows the image in admin similar to your test site, but when I activate it the site shows what you see at the link I sent you previously.

    Thread Starter paulhen


    Maybe the source code from the page will help you??

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    That code id just one file as I said since you just getting what I see in link the can not have been installed properly so delete that Atahualpa theme and reinstall from admin panel.

    Thread Starter paulhen


    I reinstalled through the admin panel after having deleted as you instructed. I got the same result once I activated Atahualpa. I checked the install directories which show as:
    11/18/2010 01:19PM Directory .
    11/18/2010 01:19PM Directory ..
    11/18/2010 01:19PM Directory atahualpa
    04/15/2009 12:00AM 30 index.php
    09/03/2010 10:38AM Directory twentyten

    Note: even the activate preview window on which you click to activate in the header, shows the same text only as you saw on my site and which I posted before.

    Sorry for all of your trouble, but this is confounding. But typical of my luck!!

    I have been having a similar problem but I got lost in the instructions. I’ll keep reading.

    That’s bit odd as when you go in wp-content/themes you should be able to just folder with theme name.

    I installed on my test site by theme install in admin and installed fine I just wonder why you having problem.

    Thread Starter paulhen


    I tried unzipping the theme file to my drive and then ftp uploaded all the theme files overwriting the old ones again in this fashion – rather than the install through admin this time. Same result. I will keep trying – this time a new theme.

    Check with your host there is something missing on server not to let you run Atahualpa

    Thread Starter paulhen


    I tried installing myMag 1.1 through admin & rebooted but when I click preview I get error: Message from Webpage “Stack Overflow at Line:24” A second reinstall resulted in the same. It seems when activated it shows only part of what it should? if you care to take a look?

    Is this new install if so try installing your wordpress again
    as you should not have this problems installing themes.

    Thread Starter paulhen


    Hello all,

    I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with my web host tech support. By the way, they have got to be the VERY best host anywhere – anybody interested can message me – NOTE: I have absolutely no connection to them or vested interest other than having been through the voyage of the damned with hosting companies prior to finding them and they are the cheapest of the lot to boot.

    Anyway, the guy installed the same 3 themes on his personal blog that I have while I was on the phone with him and he had the exact same problem with the 2 that I did. We both installed a 4th – Desk 1.0.3 and it worked. Both it and Twenty Ten that worked for both of us are very simple themes whereas the other 2 are much more heavy weight, or so it seems to a newbie like me.

    Try posting on the Atahualpa Forum: https://forum.bytesforall.com/

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