Hi there,
thanks for your feedback!
(1) Compatibility of plugins:
My plugin provides only very basic support for WPML in that way, as it is detecting WPML environment — if in German language context. That is all – and that is all I can do with my plugin.
That means basically, you can try to activate my plugin on your install and it should load translations for the WooCommerce base plugin when German language in WPML is activated. That is in theory, in practive, any other WPML or WooCommerce extension plugin could cause issues.
Currently, the WPML “String Translations” module and the “WooCommerce Multilingual” extension have issues with my plugin in that way, that they cause not loaded translations in some parts of product display. This was reported in February this year to the WPML team and they promised making their modules compatible. Since then, I never heard back anything from them.
(2) Regarding those 400 untranslated strings:
This has nothing to do with my plugin! My plugin does one thing and that is: loading German translations for the WooCommerce base plugin. Not less, not more. It DOES NOT translate your whole shop, install or anything…!
The whole WPML “String Translations” module is duplication of infrastructure and makes things more complicated than solve any string “problems”! What happens: your install loads all translations from plugins (mine included), themes, WP itself, plus in the end all extra strings from WPML module! This costs performance and such!
WPML module does an extra scanning of strings and mixes all strings up from WooCommerce plugin, your theme, and third-party plugins.
Fazit: It does not know that my plugin already loads translations for WooCommerce and that it should leave those 3,000 strings out…
If you want to use this module of WPML it’s better then to NOT use my plugin. It won’t be of good help for you then…
In general: I cannot give any support for WPML related stuff – beyond the explanation above.
I hope that still helps you to understand things better.
Thanks, Dave ??