• Resolved Nico Martin


    Hy, I have a problem with Jigoshop.

    I can add products to the cart and I can see the cart. But when I click *Checkout”, on the “Checkout”-Page it tries to load the cart with the ajax action: jigoshop_update_order_review.
    The thing is, this action returns “-1” and empties my cart. Does anybody have the same problem?

    Jigoshop Version: 1.13.1
    WordPress Version: 4.0.1



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  • Hello,

    What is your website’s address? Could you post your Jigoshop -> System Info, please?

    Thread Starter Nico Martin



    It’s shop.medelan.ch

    ### Begin System Info ###
    	Multi-site:               Yes
    	SITE_URL:                 https://shop.medelan.ch
    	HOME_URL:                 https://shop.medelan.ch
    	Jigoshop Version:         1.13.1
    	WordPress Version:        4.0.1
    	Platform:                 Windows
    	Browser Name:             Chrome
    	Browser Version:          39.0.2171.65
    	User Agent String:        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW
                                      64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, l
                                      ike Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.65 S
    	PHP Version:              5.3.3
    	MySQL Version:            5.1.69
    	Web Server Info:          Apache
    	eAccelerator:             Disabled
    	APC:                      Disabled
    	OpCache:                  Disabled
    	PHP Memory Limit:         128M
    	PHP Post Max Size:        8MB
    	PHP Upload Max File Size: 128MB
    	PHP Max Input Time:       60
    	PHP Max Input Vars:       1000
    	WordPress Memory Limit:   64MB
    	Short Open Tag:           Enabled
    	Allow URL fopen:          Enabled
    	WP_DEBUG:                 Enabled
    	WP Table Prefix:          Length: 5 Status: Acceptable
    	Show On Front:            posts
    	Page On Front:            0
    	Page For Posts:           0
    	Session:                  Enabled
    	Session Name:             PHPSESSID
    	Cookie Path:              /
    	Save Path:                /var/lib/php/session
    	Use Cookies:              On
    	Use Only Cookies:         On
    	DISPLAY ERRORS:           On (1)
    	FSOCKOPEN:                Supported
    	BxSlider WP: 1.100.1
    	Category Thumbnails: 1.0.5
    	CodeStyling Localization: 1.99.30
    	Jigoshop: 1.13.1
    	Jigoshop Request A Quote: 100.1
    	Jigoshop Video Product Tab: 1.0
    	PrettyPhoto: 1.1
    	Regenerate Thumbnails: 2.2.4
    	WP-Mail-SMTP: 0.9.5
    MedShop: 1.0
    	### End System Info ###


    I visited your website, placed a test order and didn’t see any problems. Could you give some more detailed description of the issue?

    Thread Starter Nico Martin


    Hi, I made some changes with the PlugIns (deleted “Jigoshop paypal advanced” and “Jigoshop Basic Weight Shipping”) and then it worked. I can’t say which PlugIn caused the error but it seems to be allright now.

    I’m a bit upset about your PayPal Plugins. I just need a working PayPal Plugin (not just with an Email) for Swiss Francs. For me, thats a reason to switch to an other Ecommerce PlugIn next time..

    Sorry for the delay in responding – we must have missed the bit about you being upset with our PayPal plugins. PayPal Express does support Swiss Francs.

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