ACT display via Gutenberg blocks
Please, recommend Gutenberg blocks plugins which works best of all with displaying ACT at frontend. For example when I’ve ask developers of WPSpectraPro Gutenberg blocks – unfortunately they said that their plugins does not support many features like SimpleRepeater fields, PandaRepeaterFields, etc. Which Gutenberg blocks plugins works with Pods ACT, Repeaters, etc best of all?
Hi @johnynla
To be honest I’m not aware of any external blocks that support ACT. ACT is totally separate from WordPress core and doesn’t use any of the cure methods to fetch and display data, therefore its really a Pods only feature.
Pods comes with its own templates and blocks you could use though I get the impression you need more functions than that. If so then this is probably a manual (coding) task.
If you need compatibility with WordPress core then it’s best to go with CPT instead of ACT.
Cheers, Jory
As Jory noted, I wouldn’t expect other plugins to be aware of custom tables and data structures. If you would like a quick way to develop a custom block for your architecture using the pods() function, this PHP library I wrote reduces the work to single block registration function. The linked Gist contains 5 example blocks with attributes. The linked pods() function definition contains examples of looping through custom posts and fields; would work with Advanced Content Types.
WP was devise and created and now updating – as a easy-to-use constructor. Pods works also very easy. But the lack of possibility to display Pods ACT at frontend – its again a fundamental flaw. I repeat – WP is a platform-CMS which made for lamers. In this paradigm the data displaying from ACT to frontend – MUST ALSO BE EASY!
If a single function isn’t easy enough for front end display, you will likely find much flexibility for your custom architecture using Pods Templates with Magic Tags. As the warning in the plugin states, defining a custom data structure removes much of the ability of developers to anticipate the structure of the front end view ahead of time.
Its absolutely incredible of how terribly stubborn WP society is stand to save mass garbage at DB and always ready to add a tons of additional unneeded php functions to save DB mess… When it so easy to add a simple option to all Gutenberg and Elementor blocks to get data from any DB table! Maybe even with possibility to add custom native SQL requests – it much more easy than php and will work much faster than any additional php piling up code of data transmission, additional data manipulation functions, etc! I’m just amazed that no one don’t make it for 20 years! ??????
While I can understand the appeal and desire to have the user interface output for any arbitrary data structure already written for you, the usual expectation is that if a user has the ability to create a custom data structure, then they also have the ability to create a view appropriate for that data.
If that seems daunting, Pods Magic Tags and the Pods Item List block, linked previously, provide methods of outputting custom data using the existing Pods blocks, which do have fields for some custom SQL statements such as
.In terms of ease of implementation, I would suggest that what you’re encountering is not so much community stubbornness as lack of resources to overcome a problem which would take hundreds or thousands of hours to implement for all data structures in their generic forms across all possible permutations including relationships and media attachments. While PHP and MySQL have the capability, the ability to manage and search custom tables graphically is currently in the realm of other tools specialized for that purpose, such as FileMaker, or in the case of search, the services linked in your other thread.
If you’d still really like to see arbitrary SQL as an input for a WordPress block, below is an example plugin to get you started. It provides 4 blocks,
SQL: Get Var
,SQL: Get Row
,SQL: Get Column
, andSQL: Get Results
The plugin can be installed at
This plugin is based on $wpdb->get_var(), $wpdb->get_row(), $wpdb->get_col(), and $wpdb->get_results(). For an example of adding a drop-down selector, for example listing all your custom tables, see this code for an example menu from the original example plugin.
While this approach may be interesting for testing and learning, I think you’ll find that raw SQL queries are no panacea, even when using dedicated tables: data usually still needs to be formatted or escaped, and MySQL can quickly get overwhelmed if query performance is not considered and cached appropriately. This is why the Pods shortcode, Pods blocks, and Magic Tags exist.
If one were to want to go further to add menus from Pods objects or render templates with Pods templates, pods_api()->get_table_info(), pods_api()->load_fields(), or pods_api()->load_templates() combined with pods()->template() might be useful.
<?php /** * Plugin Name: SQL Blocks * Description: Adds experimental blocks: <code>SQL: Get Var</code>, <code>SQL: Get Column</code>, <code>SQL: Get Row</code>, and <code>SQL: Get Results</code>. * Version: 0.1 */ namespace PD; add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function(){ /** * Block for $wpdb->get_var() * * @see */ register_block( [ 'namespace' => 'sql-blocks', 'title' => __( 'SQL: Get Var', 'sql-blocks' ), 'icon' => 'megaphone', // 'category' => 'widgets', 'render_callback' => function( $a /* attributes */, $c /* content */, $o /* Block instance */ ) { global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_var( $a['sql'] ); if ( is_null( $result ) ) { echo '<pre>Nothing found.</pre>'; return; } printf( '<pre>%s</pre>', wp_kses_post( $result ) ); }, 'attributes' => [ 'sql' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'component' => 'wp.components.TextareaControl', 'help' => 'Example: SELECT post_title from wp_posts WHERE post_status = \'publish\' AND post_type = \'post\' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1', 'label' => 'SQL', 'input_type' => 'text', // text, number, email, or url. ], ], ] ); /** * Block for $wpdb->get_col() * * @see */ register_block( [ 'namespace' => 'sql-blocks', 'title' => __( 'SQL: Get Column', 'sql-blocks' ), 'icon' => 'megaphone', // 'category' => 'widgets', 'render_callback' => function( $a /* attributes */, $c /* content */, $o /* Block instance */ ) { global $wpdb; $column = $wpdb->get_col( $a['sql'] ); if ( empty( $column ) ) { echo '<pre>Nothing found.</pre>'; return; } echo '<table>'; foreach( $column as $row ) { printf( '<tr><td>%s</td></tr>', wp_kses_post( $row ) ); } echo '</table>'; }, 'attributes' => [ 'sql' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'component' => 'wp.components.TextareaControl', 'help' => 'Example: SELECT post_title from wp_posts WHERE post_status = \'publish\' AND post_type = \'page\' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 10', 'label' => 'SQL', 'input_type' => 'text', // text, number, email, or url. ], ], ] ); /** * Block for $wpdb->get_row() * * @see */ register_block( [ 'namespace' => 'sql-blocks', 'title' => __( 'SQL: Get Row', 'sql-blocks' ), 'icon' => 'megaphone', // 'category' => 'widgets', 'render_callback' => function( $a /* attributes */, $c /* content */, $o /* Block instance */ ) { global $wpdb; $row = $wpdb->get_row( $a['sql'], 'ARRAY_A' ); if ( empty( $row ) ) { echo '<pre>Nothing found.</pre>'; return; } $headers = array_keys( $row ); echo '<table><tr>'; foreach( $headers as $header ) { printf( '<th>%s</th>', wp_kses_post( $header ) ); } echo '</tr><tr>'; foreach( $headers as $header ) { printf( '<td>%s</td>', wp_kses_post( $row[ $header ] ) ); } echo '</tr></table>'; }, 'attributes' => [ 'sql' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'component' => 'wp.components.TextareaControl', 'help' => 'Example: SELECT ID,post_type,post_title,post_content from wp_posts WHERE post_status = \'publish\' AND post_type IN( \'page\', \'post\' ) ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1', 'label' => 'SQL', 'input_type' => 'text', // text, number, email, or url. ], ], ] ); /** * Block for $wpdb->get_results() * * @see */ register_block( [ 'namespace' => 'sql-blocks', 'title' => __( 'SQL: Get Results', 'sql-blocks' ), 'icon' => 'megaphone', // 'category' => 'widgets', 'render_callback' => function( $a /* attributes */, $c /* content */, $o /* Block instance */ ) { global $wpdb; if ( empty( $a['sql'] ) ) { return; } $rows = $wpdb->get_results( $a['sql'], 'ARRAY_A' ); if ( empty( $rows ) ) { echo '<pre>Nothing found.</pre>'; return; } $headers = array_keys( $rows[0] ); echo '<table><tr>'; foreach( $headers as $header ) { printf( '<th>%s</th>', wp_kses_post( $header ) ); } echo '</tr>'; foreach( (array) $rows as $row_number => $row ) { echo '<tr>'; foreach( $headers as $header ) { printf( '<td>%s</td>', wp_kses_post( $row[ $header ] ) ); } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; }, 'attributes' => [ 'sql' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'component' => 'wp.components.TextareaControl', 'help' => 'Example: SELECT ID,post_type,post_title,post_content from wp_posts WHERE post_status = \'publish\' AND post_type IN( \'page\', \'post\' ) ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 10', 'label' => 'SQL', 'input_type' => 'text', // text, number, email, or url. ], ], ] ); } ); /** * Block registration function. * * @param $args array Array of arguments: namespace, title, icon, category, render_callback, attributes. * * @return \PD\Block Constructed block object. */ function register_block( $a /* args */ ) { $a['namespace'] = strtolower( $a['namespace'] ); $a['slug'] = sanitize_key( $a['title'] ); if ( empty( $a['icon'] ) ) { $a['icon'] = 'megaphone'; } if ( empty( $a['category'] ) ) { $a['icon'] = 'widgets'; } return new Block( [ 'slug_hyphen' => sprintf( '%s-%s', $a['namespace'], $a['slug'] ), 'slug_slash' => sprintf( '%s/%s', $a['namespace'], $a['slug'] ), 'title' => $a['title'], 'icon' => $a['icon'], // 'category' => $a['category'], 'render_callback' => $a['render_callback'], 'attributes' => $a['attributes'], ] ); } /** * Block class. * Allows instantiation of PHP-powered blocks with some attributes. * * @author Paul David Clark <[email protected]> */ class Block { /** * Assign all keys in input array to class vars. * Register block in PHP on init. * Register block in JavaScript with wp_ajax_register_block * Filters for attributes & inspector controls. * * @param array $atts Block configuration. See examples above. */ public function __construct( $atts ) { foreach( $atts as $key => $att ) { $this->$key = $att; } add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'init' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_register_block_' . $this->slug_hyphen, [ $this, 'wp_ajax_register_block' ] ); add_filter( 'pd/block/attributes-php/' . $this->slug_hyphen, [ $this, 'block_attributes_php' ] ); add_filter( 'pd/block/attributes-js/' . $this->slug_hyphen, [ $this, 'block_attributes_js' ] ); add_filter( 'pd/block/inspector-controls-js/' . $this->slug_hyphen, [ $this, 'block_inspector_controls_js' ] ); } /** * Register: PHP. */ public function init() { wp_register_script( $this->slug_hyphen, add_query_arg( [ 'action' => 'register_block_' . $this->slug_hyphen, '_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce(), ], admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ), [ 'wp-blocks', 'wp-element', 'wp-editor', 'wp-components' ], microtime(), true ); $block_params = [ 'editor_script' => $this->slug_hyphen, /** * @param array $attributes Optional. Block attributes. Default empty array. * @param string $content Optional. Block content. Default empty string. */ 'render_callback' => function( $attributes, $content ) { ob_start(); call_user_func( $this->render_callback, $attributes, $content, $this ); return ob_get_clean(); }, ]; $attributes = apply_filters( 'pd/block/attributes-php/' . $this->slug_hyphen, [] ); if ( ! empty( $attributes ) ) { $block_params['attributes'] = $attributes; } register_block_type( $this->slug_slash, $block_params ); } /** * Register: JavaScript. * Outputs ES2015. * Calls wp.blocks.registerBlockType. * Builds attributes and InspectorControls components. * * @see */ public function wp_ajax_register_block() { check_ajax_referer(); header( 'Content-Type: text/javascript' ); ?> ( function ( el ) { wp.blocks.registerBlockType( '<?php echo esc_js( $this->slug_slash ); ?>', { apiVersion: 2, title: '<?php echo esc_js( $this->title ); ?>', icon: '<?php echo esc_js( $this->icon ); ?>', category: '<?php echo esc_js( $this->category ); ?>', attributes: <?php echo wp_json_encode( apply_filters( 'pd/block/attributes-js/' . $this->slug_hyphen, [] ), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT ); ?>, edit: function ( props ) { return [ el( 'div', { ...wp.blockEditor.useBlockProps(), 'key': 'block_wrapper' }, el( wp.serverSideRender, { key: 'server_side_render', block: '<?php echo esc_js( $this->slug_slash ); ?>', attributes: props.attributes, } ) ) <?php $inspector_controls = apply_filters( 'pd/block/inspector-controls-js/' . $this->slug_hyphen, [] ); if ( ! empty( $inspector_controls ) ) : ?> , el( wp.blockEditor.InspectorControls, { key: "inspector" }, el( wp.components.PanelBody, { title: "<?php echo esc_js( __( 'Settings', 'pd' ) ); ?>", initialOpen: true }, <?php echo implode( ',', $inspector_controls ); ?> ) ) <?php endif; ?> ]; }, } ); } )( wp.element.createElement ); <?php exit; } /** * Outputs PHP attribute configuration for register_block_type(). * * Array of attribute types and default values. * See filter pd/block/attributes-php/ */ public function block_attributes_php( $attributes = array() ) { foreach ( (array) $this->attributes as $key => $values ) { $attributes[ $key ] = [ 'type' => $values['type'], 'default' => @$values['default'], ]; if ( isset( $values['source'] ) ) { @$attributes[ $key ] = $values['source']; } } return $attributes; } /** * Outputs JavaScript attribute configuration. * * Array of attribute default values to be JSON encoded. * See filter pd/block/attributes-js/ */ public function block_attributes_js( $attributes = array() ) { foreach ( (array) $this->attributes as $key => $values ) { $attributes[ $key ] = [ 'value' => $values['default'], ]; } return $attributes; } /** * Outputs ES5 components according to defined attributes. * el is wp.element.createElement. */ public function block_inspector_controls_js( $controls = [] ) { foreach ( (array) $this->attributes as $key => $values ) { ob_start(); switch ( $values['component'] ) { case 'wp.components.RadioControl': ?> el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", help: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['help'] ); ?>", selected: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, options: <?php echo wp_json_encode( $values['options'] ); ?>, onChange: function (option) { return props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: option }); } }) <?php break; case 'wp.components.SelectControl': ?> el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", value: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, options: <?php echo wp_json_encode( $values['options'] ); ?>, onChange: function (option) { return props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: option }); } }) <?php break; case 'wp.components.ColorPicker': ?> el( 'span', null, "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>" ), el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", type: 'color', color: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, onChangeComplete: function(newValue) { props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: newValue.hex }); }, disableAlpha: true } ) <?php break; case 'wp.components.ColorPalette': ?> el( 'span', null, "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>" ), el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", colors: <?php echo wp_json_encode( $values['colors'] ); ?>, value: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, onChange: function(newValue) { props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: newValue }); }, disableAlpha: false }) <?php break; case 'wp.components.ToggleControl': ?> el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", checked: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, onChange: function(newValue) { props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: newValue }); } }) <?php break; case 'wp.components.RangeControl': ?> el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", value: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, onChange: function(newValue) { props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: newValue }); }, min: <?php echo (int) $values['min']; ?>, max: <?php echo (int) $values['max']; ?> }) <?php break; case 'wp.components.TextControl': ?> el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", value: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, onChange: function(newValue) { props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: newValue }); }, type: '<?php echo esc_js( $values['input_type'] ); ?>' }) <?php break; case 'wp.components.TextareaControl': ?> el( <?php echo esc_js( $values['component'] ); ?>, { key: '<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>', label: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['label'] ); ?>", value: props.attributes.<?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>, help: "<?php echo esc_js( $values['help'] ); ?>", onChange: function(newValue) { props.setAttributes({ <?php echo esc_js( $key ); ?>: newValue }); }, rows: <?php echo ( $values['rows'] ) ? (int) $values['rows'] : 4; ?> }) <?php break; } $controls[] = ob_get_clean(); } return $controls; } }
@johnynla The Pods blocks cover ACTs very well too.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Scott Kingsley Clark.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
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