• Resolved burst24


    I have a group of fields on the ACF plugin with names:
    itemcode, factorycode and their keys are field_5a65c16ad60cd, field_5a71b94d390a5 respectively. My problem is that they are not indexed. I have selected to index all custom fields and then i selected only some with this setting (fieldname_%_subfieldname) as you suggest on the plugin. In both cases they are not indexed. What do i do wrong?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    What kind of custom field indexing settings you have in Relevanssi?

    The subfield notation is only available for Relevanssi Premium, so if you’re using the free version, that is not supposed to work.

    Thread Starter burst24


    I use the free version
    The custom field indexing settings are:
    For the list value i selected “some”
    On the notation i use: fieldname_%_subfieldname
    According to my settings which i said on the first message…am i doing something wrong?

    Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    Yes, you are trying to index the custom field fieldname_%_subfieldname, but you don’t have a field like that.

    Try setting the indexed custom fields to itemcode, factorycode and rebuild the index.

    Thread Starter burst24


    Thank you very much! This worked like a charm. I thought it was some kind of wildcard field. I haven’t understood the info of the field.
    Have a great day!

    Thread Starter burst24


    I thought the 2 fields itemcode, factorycode from advanced custom fields plugin where indexed but they are not. Is this a bug or something?

    Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    Probably not a bug. If you search using the Relevanssi admin search (Dashboard > Admin search), can you find posts by item code or factory code?

    What do your item codes and factory codes look like? Can you please give me an examples of the codes?

    If you have access to the database, please check the wp_relevanssi database table. Can you find any item codes or factory codes there if you search in the “term” column?

    Thread Starter burst24


    I think i fixed it but on some codes the results are not showing the most relevant term first. Anyway at least i get results.

    Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    You can use the Relevanssi admin search to see how Relevanssi ranks the results. If the results are ordered by relevance scores, but the scores don’t make sense, adjust the weight settings (or the post contents) until they do.

    Thread Starter burst24


    Ok thank you

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