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  • Teodor Cosofret



    Are you trying to create the Edit Profile page? Insert in a new page the [wppb-edit-profile] shortcode (documentation).

    If this is not what you are looking for please give me more details regarding your request.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter swapbapurey90


    Hi :
    I want to create a Full User profile Page for Patients for a Hospital . Can you guide what are the component pages that are necessary to creat it. I am interested in the following:
    1. Login / signUP

    2. Logout

    3. Dashboard – With Customer Picture – Relevant Information current Medicines and Disease.

    4. User (Patient Case) Profile – Name , age , address etc. and Save changes

    5. Patient Disease History/ Documents – Page will contain Media Files Uploaded , ex. PDF documents, JPG images , will need 6+ Boxes of Media files like images , Videos, PDF documents. It will also contain Upload file Logo like this-

    with each Media File Box to Upload and edit the Fields on the Go.

    6. Add Google OAuth Authentication 2 .

    7. User Profile Database Manager – That helps to Manage User Profiles of Multiple Users- Add, delete , modify Users.


    Teodor Cosofret



    I will answer you questions below:

    1. To create a login page use the [wppb-login] shortocde inside a page.

    2. To create a logout page use the [wppb-logout text=”You are currently logged in as {{meta_user_name}}. ” redirect=”” link_text=”Log out ?”] shortcode.

    3. To create an Edit Profile page use the [wppb-edit-profile] shortcode inside a page. The avatar field is available as Extra Field Type in Profile Builder Hobbyist version.

    4. To add fields you will need to go to Profile Builder -> Manage Fields

    5. Profile Builder Hobbyist also has the Upload Field.

    6. This is not a feature of our plugin.

    7. You can add/edit/delete users as Admin from backend if you go to Users -> All Users and also from frontend, logged in as Admin, if you go to the Edit Profile page. There you will see a Select drop-down list with all the users.

    Test out a demo install of Profile Builder Pro here.

    If you have any other questions please submit a presale ticket here.

    Best regards,

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