• Hi, Im hoping that someone can help me out, I am currently building a site offline on MAMP.
    Problem is that i have found the theme that I want and dont want to change it because its perfect for what i need but I want some system of enabling people to sign up and have an account that only has permission to edit its own page.
    So I want to be able to give someone a link to a page that they can enter their credentials into then click a submit button then a page saying something along the lines of congratulations you have now set up your account click here to edit your page… then they should be able to login to the site with the credentials they entered before and the start uploading pictures and edit their page.
    Im hoping that someone can point me in the right direction wether it be a plugin or what. btw this is a site for villa owners so they can gain rentals.
    Sorry if it sounds complicated ?? Even if this is impossible could someone please tell so i can forget this plan…
    Thanks in advance!
    look forward to hearing from you all!

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