Hi sloy,
Please take a look at the examples on this thread
Half way through the thread broke into two columns so you will have to look on the right side.
I believe the final code was something like this
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
//Adds a class to keep track if we are on a parent of child page
//Make the menu open and close by hovering when on a parent page
$(".child-sidebar-menu.sidebar-menu-hover > li > a").hover(function(){
//Slides open and closed the grandchild menu
return false;
}, function(){
return false;
//Make the menu open and close by clicking if on a child or grandchild page
$(".child-sidebar-menu > li > a").not(".child-sidebar-menu.sidebar-menu-hover > li > a").click(function(){
//If there all no children link the link return Otherwise stop the link
if( $(this).parent().find('ul').slideToggle(400).length > 0 ){
return false;
} else {
return true;
//Initially hides the grandchild menu
$('.child-sidebar-menu ul').hide();
//Initially show the grandchild menu if on a grandchild or child pages
$('.child-sidebar-menu ul li.current_page_item').parent().show();
$('.child-sidebar-menu ul li.current_page_item ul').show();
$('.child-sidebar-menu li.current_page_item ul').show();
Hope this helps.