• While trying to fix a problem with my blog I accidentally installed phpMyAdmin to my blog folder. This means that now when you go to my blog’s home page a login for phpMyAdmin appears instead.

    I use Yahoo! web hosting. How do I change the blog homepage back to my wordpress blog?

    Thanks for your help in advance!

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  • I’d tend to say that you must ask Yahoo how to remove phpmyadmin. Maybe, hopefully, since they can install it for you, there’s also a removal script.

    At worst, you’ll end up having to reinstall wordpress, but at least don’t worry, your posts and additions are safe.


    Download the backup of the database of your wordpress site first on your local machine. If you have backup of your wordpress files, then you can upload them to the folder where it is installed.

    Else check with Yahoo for available backups and restore.

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