• My theme got updated and while trying to link the previous page back to the home page I accidentally changed home directory link under the general settings on my page. The site now shows this message: https://dadsofcomedy.com/home-3/ and I cannot log back into my wp-admin to change it back to what it should be. Does anyone have ANY ideas on how I can fix this? I also cannot access my dads of comedy email now so please email me if you have any thoughts on how I can fix this and get my site back on track.

    [email protected]



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  • 1. Open your wp-config.php file on your hosts server via their control panel.

    2. Directly under the line “<?php” put the following lines:

    define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://example.com/wordpress&#8217;);
    define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://example.com/wordpress&#8217;);

    3. Replace “https://example.com/wordpress&#8221; with the correct URL of your WordPress site. Then try to login again.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter dadsofcomedy


    Okay, so i went into the wp-config.php file and added this to the top under “<?php”:
    define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://dadsofcomedy.com&#8217;);
    define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://dadsofcomedy.com&#8217;);

    This got the https://dadsofcomedy.com back up!

    The problem now is that all of my secondary pages are still showing up with the internal error message.

    Check the .htaccess file ensure it has the proper URL/patch. Edit it as needed.

    If the bad URL’s are in the database, you’ll need to install and properly run this plugin to replace all the old URL’s with the new URL’s.


    Thread Starter dadsofcomedy


    Maybe a dumb question. How do I check the .htaccess file? It wont let me download or open the file.

    I see your currently on HostGator and HostGator has cPanel which you can in fact edit that file under “File Manager” BUT when you select “File Manager” and the popup window appears you must click the check box to show hidden “dot” files.

    Thread Starter dadsofcomedy


    I think I just got the domain from hostgator there is no control panel when I log in. I have been editing everything in dreamweaver so far and then updating the file via ftp.

    Or going into the wp-admin and changing things from there for the magazino theme.

    There is defiantly a control panel located at:


    Please consult with HostGator regarding access to your cPanel account. Try your FTP credentials. I do not know Dream Weaver well enough to support it here, if all else fails look in your public_html directory for .htaccess using an FTP program called Filezilla. If it says there is no default editor for .htaccess use notepad.exe on windows or TextEdit on Mac. You can download it for free.

    Thread Starter dadsofcomedy


    I was able to view my .htaccess file but am not 100% what I am looking at. I also installed the go-live-update and have installed that, but when I go into plugins in wp-admin it doesnt seem to do anything.

    The Go Live plugin may not be under Plugin Settings it may be under the WordPress Settings mouse over or somewhere else. You’ll have to look around for it by hovering your mouse over all the sections of wp-admin on the left hand side. I am sorry I do not know off hand where exactly it’s located. It appears your site has been fixed and it now working properly.

    Thread Starter dadsofcomedy


    Maybe it just needed time to cache. I appreciate all of your help!

    If I can bother you for one more thing. The whole reason I got into this scenario is I was trying to set the site to load the home link when you go to the url. Currently https://dadsofcomedy.com shows a really old page. It was updated to https://dadsofcomedy.com/home-3/ (no clue why the actual page wasn’t updated) I was trying to show that https://dadsofcomedy.com/home-3/ page instead of the old page. Thats what got me into this URL trouble in the first place.

    You’re welcome. Where you change the inital page that is displayed when users come to your WordPress site is located in the following area of the wp-admin dashboard.

    1. Go to “Settings” located on the left hand side then select “Reading”.

    2. See where is says, ” A static page (select below)” … Just select the proper page you wish to have displayed.

    3. Click Save and clear your browser and any caching plugins you might have running.

    Thread Starter dadsofcomedy


    Thank you!

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