• Hello

    I was able to create a site on my local computer and access it using localhost. I would like to have access to it from the internet. Can I use a name server like NoIP or someone else to point to it.
    I dont want to pay for a hosting account.



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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    If your ISP allows incoming connections on ports 80 and/or 443, you can. You’d have to set your router to forward those ports to your internal IP address *and* set your local WordPress site to use your external URL as its own.

    Be aware that you’re exposing your personal computer to the Internet. You need to be very aware of the security implications of that and take steps to make sure that any web-related hack does not allow access to any other of the computer’s resources.

    This question is not about WordPress. Please use a search engine to find other sites that answer your question.


    I think you can use some local tunnel services (such as https://ngrok.com/). We normally use it for development purpose (API testing, Webhook testing). It’s very simple to use. Notes that: remember the update the site’s url.


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