• A year ago I made the decision not to renew my website, ignorantly thinking it would be on hold for when I was ready to continue. I did back up via wordpress, but in contact with bluehost, they could not answer my question as to whether I can access my previous content on wordpress if I renew my domain with them.

    Does anyone know if I renew an inactive domain, will I be able to connect this with my previous wordpress account? My login information on this site is no longer active, which makes it very difficult to determine where things where left.

    Even better, if this is possible, how do I do this?

    Thank you!

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  • It depends totally on your hosting comapny and how efficient they are with removing “old” expired accounts. I’ve seen some that don’t bother removing them so they are just st as “inactive” and I’ve seen others that delete everything two days after you miss a payment. Please be aware that if it is still available, there’s a good chance that you’ll have some fees for the past times when it was inactive.

    If you are in luck and it is still there, then it should be just as you left it. After a year, I wouldn’t count on much though.

    I know that with Bluehost, if the domain was expired, but the hosting did not expire, then the files are there just fine.
    If the hosting expired on its own, the original files are still there for 2-3 weeks, and you could have backups still available for 1-4 weeks after that.
    If you told the hosting to cancel, instead of it expiring naturally, then the files are deleted immediately, but could still have backups up to 1-4 weeks from the cancel date.

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