Sorry @misstt but I never got a notification from your reply.
A 503 will be blocked based on how and why they were blocked.
If they were blocked for incorrect logins or brute force, you can check your Wordfence > All Options > Brute Force Protection options for Amount of time a user is locked out. This will show how long they will be locked out for after breaking any brute force rules.
If they were blocked for any other reason, these block times are listed in Wordfence > All Options > Rate Limiting > How long is an IP address blocked when it breaks a rule.
You seem to be in the correct location for your Live Traffic options (Wordfence > Tools > Live Traffic). The traffic is stored for as long as you set it to store for in that area. You should see two options that affect how far back the Live Traffic will save.
Amount of Live Traffic data to store (number of rows): If your site sees a lot of traffic, you will want to raise this up.
Maximum days to keep Live Traffic data (minimum: 1).
Is the user still seeing blocks? What is the block reason you’re seeing in the Live Traffic? Also if the user could provide you a screenshot of the block page, that would help as well.
Thanks again!