• I’ve been testing this plugin today, to replace WP Pipes, which has terrible support. So far I like this one a lot more, you’ve done a great job ??

    one thing Im struggling with though is the cronjob part of things. Im not a plugin developer but Im struggling to understand why some plugin authors dont use the wordpress cron system, instead opting for their own domin.com/?their-job-system. On sites with higher than normal security (mines an intranet site) this doesnt work.

    basically Im using Shibboleth security, which basically means any page load at all need to authenticate. Doesnt matter if its internal or external. Trouble is an internal access (i.e. the server itself) loading a web page wont be able to authenticate. So for crontasks like yours it wont be able to login, so the task cant ever run.

    The way around this is for php to load the page directly from the server using php.exe instead of a web url. That way Shibboleth is never called and the task can run normally. I can do this with WP cron as it has a physical file path to follow. Yours does not.
    Would it be possible to have a file path based cron task so I can call that instead of a url? Im not alone in this and its very frustrating as a lot of plugins are using web paths for crons instead of file paths.

    I really hope you can help ??

    I have tried running domain.com/?update_feedwordpress=1 in a browser window and nothing happens. The Last run time doesnt update, and it just loads a blank page

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by webfeat. Reason: extra info
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