Access denied to database
Hi There.
I’m trying to bulk edit a product category but I’m having issues with access denied to database. See the below error message.
WordPress database error: [Access denied for user ‘dbname’@’%’ to database ‘dbname’]
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE pwbe_variations (post_id INT, parent_post_id INT)WordPress database error: [Table ‘dbname.pwbe_variations’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO pwbe_variations SELECT DISTINCT post.ID AS post_id, parent.ID AS parent_post_id FROM wp_posts AS post JOIN wp_posts AS parent ON (parent.ID = post.post_parent) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta__sku ON (meta__sku.post_id = post.ID AND meta__sku.meta_key = ‘_sku’) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta__regular_price ON (meta__regular_price.post_id = post.ID AND meta__regular_price.meta_key = ‘_regular_price’) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta__sale_price ON (meta__sale_price.post_id = post.ID AND meta__sale_price.meta_key = ‘_sale_price’) WHERE post.post_type = ‘product_variation’ AND ((parent.post_title LIKE ‘%jordane%’) )WordPress database error: [Access denied for user ‘dbname’@’%’ to database ‘dbname’]
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE pwbe_products (post_id INT)WordPress database error: [Table ‘dbname.pwbe_products’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO pwbe_products SELECT DISTINCT post.ID AS post_id FROM wp_posts AS post JOIN wp_posts AS parent ON (parent.ID = post.ID) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta__sku ON (meta__sku.post_id = post.ID AND meta__sku.meta_key = ‘_sku’) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta__regular_price ON (meta__regular_price.post_id = post.ID AND meta__regular_price.meta_key = ‘_regular_price’) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta__sale_price ON (meta__sale_price.post_id = post.ID AND meta__sale_price.meta_key = ‘_sale_price’) WHERE post.post_type = ‘product’ AND ( ((parent.post_title LIKE ‘%jordane%’) ) OR post.ID IN (SELECT parent_post_id FROM pwbe_variations) )There was an error while filtering. Please send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
MySQL Error: Table ‘dbname.pwbe_products’ doesn’t exist__________________
I have transferred the database to a different host. Could this be the issue? I can’t find any access errors?
Any help is much appreciated.
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