Hello everyone, i’m using a wordpress plugin called “quiz maker”. User can play the quiz and see his own score, but i want to get the users score and make some calculations like average result, % of wrong answers etc. So, how can i do that?
I want to mention, that the plugin has special message variables available for usage. You can make use of the %%avg_user_points%% and the %%wrong_answers_count%% message variables to achieve your desired result.
The first one displays the average score of the user. The second one displays the number of wrong answers of the user. (skipped questions are included). Also, you can make use of the %%only_wrong_answers_count%% to show the number of only wrong answers of the user.
In order to find the message variables, you can go to the Quiz Maker plugin > General Settings page > Message Variables tab.
Please note, that the %%avg_user_points%% message variable is available only in the Pro version of the plugin. So, you are welcome to contact us via this form for premium support. Our customer care specialists will always be happy to help you.