For “échouer”, no code is necessary. Relevanssi should find that with “échouer” or “echouer” (it may depend on your database collation, though).
The same does not apply to Arabic accents. You’re not the first one to ask about this, but if I’ve provided a solution to someone before, I can’t find it now.
You could give this a go:
add_filter( 'relevanssi_remove_punctuation', 'rlv_remove_arabic_diacritics' );
function rlv_remove_arabic_diacritics( $a ) {
$a = preg_replace( '~[\x{064B}-\x{065B}]~u', '', $a );
return $a;
Add this to your theme functions.php and rebuild the index. This does not convert “?” to “?”, but that’s not a diacritic, right, but instead two different letters? In that case, those kinds of conversions can be done using str_replace(), like this:
add_filter( 'relevanssi_remove_punctuation', 'rlv_remove_arabic_diacritics' );
function rlv_remove_arabic_diacritics( $a ) {
$a = preg_replace( '~[\x{064B}-\x{065B}]~u', '', $a );
$a = str_replace( '?', '?', $a );
return $a;
(The symbols appear in the wrong order in the str_replace() on the forums, but they are in correct order, ie. ? first; the joys of mixing ltr and rtl alphabets…)