Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
I’m really sorry you had a hard time customizing the plugin, as we’ve worked hard to make all kinds of customizations safe and easy: in most cases a great deal can be accomplished from WordPress’s theme customizer alone (so long of course as your theme supports this) and, when your needs go deeper, besides having the ability to override our CSS there is a really granular way to safely override individual templates, too.
The most worrying thing here for me is your note that it is not possible to get support.
I don’t see any topics posted by you on this forum in relation to The Events Calendar and, if I have identified the correct account, I’m not sure I can see any questions from you either on our old premium support forums or our new help desk.
However, we did just transition to a new platform and perhaps something was lost in the shuffle. If you want to reach out directly so I can try and right the ship, please do:
barry [at] tri [dot] be
Extremely clunky doesn’t even begin to describe this POS.
Avoid at all costs!
You are of course welcome to your opinion, but I’d like to invite others to give it a shot as I don’t feel your review is currently a fair one.
For others reading this, check out our demo site to see how our plugins look and act (this is, pretty much, an out-of-the-box installation with no special adjustments or styling).
Feel free, too, to review our knowledgebase to learn how things work and to get a flavor of how it all works ‘behind the scenes’.
We’ve put a lot of work into The Events Calendar over the years and stand behind it: we truly believe it is the best calendar plugin available for WordPress, plus it’s free – so you have nothing to lose by giving it a try!