• I posted several problems I am having with IProperty (a pale copy of EZrealty which started as a Joomla component) – the late replies – that I never got in my emails by the way so I was not even aware of any reply – was “Hi– this is the “Questions About IP” forum. Please do not post support questions here. Moving to IP Support Forums”

    I AM ON THE SUPPORT FORUM!!! I checked several times back and forth and I WAS on the support forum…sheeeshhh….

    $225 for one year!!! WOW…for $225 you get no support at all? I mean really???

    I had to pay another $200 to a programmer so he could fix all the problems.

    TOPIC: Error with images upload – Never got a reply – posted 2 weeks ago. And NO it was not my themes. Glitch in the plugin. I tested it on other test sites with basic WP themes and I had the same problems. NOT FIXED with your team that’s for sure.

    TOPIC: All properties page – sent me to another forum > I WAS ON THE RIGHT SUPPORT FORUM. 2 weeks ago

    TOPIC: Double title – Double bullets – not my theme either – tested it with basic wp theme and same result – sent me to another forum > I WAS ON THE RIGHT SUPPORT FORUM. 2 weeks ago

    And on and on. The only reply I got for the “install failed” because you have to extract from the zip like five time to get to the right folder – I never received the email that I had a reply so..I never checked again. I finally found the solution myself.

    So here we are – paying a bunch of money for a plugin that frankly could be great but NOT a nice team at all – no support or stupid useless reply – no email when by miracle someone replies.

    I know WordPress plugins for real estate are really virtually all bad – again, this one could be great with a little work fixing the problems and a much nicer team to work with would be even better.

    Cost me all together near $400 so all the bugs are fixed now and it looks nice. Fix the bugs we are talking about in your forum instead of ignoring us – be nice and you will be almost there!

    A stupid detail frankly: instead of having 4 folders that gives you an “Install failed” CAN YOU FIX that??? I mean really! Should not be too hard and your clients would stop asking you why it does not install.

    This post will probably disappear but at least you will read it so hopefully that will help others.


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