• I am running WordPress 3.03 on two blogs. I am using Absolute Privacy on one site to complete privatize the site. It seems that when someone registers, they do not receive the email saying their registration needs to be approved. Unaware of this, I was still approving people, but it seems that email is not being sent either.

    On the other site, I am using AP to privatize one page. All seems to work except after I approve a user on one site, no email is being sent to them.

    I am running the latest version of Absolute Privacy.

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  • I’d be interested in running a few diagnostics on your site. Shoot me an email if you don’t mind: j[at]johnkolbert[dot]com

    Hi John,

    I am experiencing a similar problem. After registrating a confirmation email is send. But no approval e-mail with logon details after assigning a role.

    Can I send you an email too? And what kind of details do you need

    Go ahead and shoot me an email. Here’s what to expect:

    I’ll need an admin account created for me on your site and I’ll test registrations, emails, etc. I’ll add a new plugin that let’s me run some diagnostic code (Developer’s Codebox, also created by myself), and I may change myself as the admin email for the site while testing (so that I get the emails and not you). I’ll revert everything back when I’m done and you can delete my account.

    Hi John,

    Seem to have a similar issue. Plugin is great. Confirmation email after approval is sent ok. Email for pending welcome is not.

    Any suggestions? If you register as a user on my site, I will upgrade you to admin (and you can test registration yourself).

    Another point is that it would be great to include a notification after registration confirmation that membership is pending.

    Am running Buddypress, S2member also.

    Well, it seems that buddypress is causing this to fail. When I disable buddypress it works (emails are sent). However, I do have double first name / last name fields in registration page.

    Is it possible to easily fix the working together with Buddypress? My view is that Buddypress only asks for name and you for first/last name. Is this causing the trip up?

    I am not using buddypress so thats not the issue here.

    Anyway I sent you some logon details this morning. I hope you can help me out.

    Thread Starter beniEllis


    On a couple websites it helped me to install the plug-in WP Mail SMTP. It allows php mail or SMTP mail. I am still verifying one last site hosted by 1and1, but three others are working now. Let me know if that helps anyone. (UPDATE: Just verified the last one and it is working fine now, too.)

    John — I sent you login info but did not hear back from you for a week and I really needed to move forward with a couple projects. AP is a wonderful plugin. I hope you can work out the email glitch. Maybe the WP Mail SMTP plugin will inspire a solution.

    Txz BeniEllis. Maybe I will try that plugin too later on.

    For now I think it’s only fair to wait a couple of days for John to respond.

    Thread Starter beniEllis


    I agree Gibmo… it would certainly be better to have one less plugin. And I’m sure John will nail it. In my case, I had three projects waiting on this one fix. I needed to move them forward.

    I look forward to the “fix” because I have not found a plugin that does what this one does. It’s great!

    Sorry all for delayed/lackluster responses. Been busy traveling and with client work. I’ll try and take a look at these issues in the next day or two and see if I can nail down why the emails work for some and not for others.

    My issue is not the SMTP plugin (I have that installed) but the mails not being sent when Buddypress is also active. Works fine without Buddypress active.



    Any word on this? I’m having the same issues. Thanks!

    Hi, I am having the same issue. I would be really grateful for any help… thanks!

    I am now getting this error code:

    invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/80/5630780/html/super1/wp-content/plugins/absolute-privacy/functions.php on line 434

    It looks like John is is not going to respond very soon. Are there any alternatives around for this plugin?

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