I just did a fresh installation of WP 5.0.3 Japanese edition with Twenty Sixteen theme (yes, I went through all that trouble!) and I was able to upload and set a 512×512 PNG file as the site icon with no error.
Could you please let us know what specific error message you’re seeing, so that we can help you troubleshoot the problem?
]]>As a result of enabling the WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG, the following log was output.
Could you know if this message is related?
[16-Jan-2019 06:33:49 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; MT_Import has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/virtualhosts/misettei.com/wp-content/plugins/movabletype-importer/movabletype-importer.php on line 32
My WordPress is export from the livedoor(Japanese company) service, and it was imported in MovableType format Importer.
Thanks for your early reply.
]]>If the problem persists, kindly upload the image somewhere online like https://imgbb.com or https://imgur.com/upload so that I can test from my end and see if the problem is indeed with the image itself or something.
]]>The image file I want to use is provided by Microsoft.
I put that file in imgbb. The URL is as follows.
I greatly appreciate your help.
]]>I was able to upload the file with no problem. I initially downloaded and uploaded, and it worked. Just to be double sure the original file is not to blame, I also downloaded the full icons pack from the Microsoft website, dug out the specific file, and uploaded it to the WordPress website. Both files uploaded without a hitch.
And I could use the uploaded file as the site icon:
It appears the image is not the problem. And WordPress is not the culprit either. Which leaves us with your hosting environment being the likely culprit.
So kindly confirm the following for me:
Server is Ubuntu16.04 default installation.
(PHP is older than recommended.)
?Apache2 apache2 (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.8 など)
?PHP php (1:7.0+35ubuntu6)
?MySQL mysql-server (5.7.24-0ubuntu0.16.04.1)
My Browser environment is,
?Windows10 Home version 1809 build 17763.253 (latest version)
?Chrome vresion: 71.0.3578.98(Official Build) (64 bit)
I hope to find out something.
]]>So kindly confirm the following for me:
> What is the EXACT error message you see when you try to upload this file as your site icon?
> Are you able to upload other images (other than this very one) as your site icon?
> Are you able to upload other images in WordPress (eg in Post or Page editor)?
The upload seems to be done well.
However, trying to set it for that icon will not work.
When I press the “選択”(select) button, WordPress does not react any further.
does not react