• Hi everybody

    I’ve followed the steps in “Giving WordPress its Own Directory While Leaving the WordPress Index File in the Root Directory” tutorial and i’ve set up:

    – WordPress address (URI): https://my-site.com/wp
    – Blog address (URI): https://my-site.com/blog

    For the moment all it’s ok. I’ve switched mod_rewrite on and everything works fine.

    My problem is with pages ($page_id=…) like “about”. If I make a page called “Music”, my WP generates the URI: https://my-site.com/blog/music

    The URI that I really want (_only_) for pages is: https://my-site.com/music (without “/blog”)

    It’s possible get this? I’ve tried understand mod_rewrite rules but regexps are so difficult for me ??

    I hope you can help me, thousand of thanks! (and sorry for my bad English :\)


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    Nobody can help me? Please ??

    It doesn’t seem too dificult but… may be the feature I want it’s not possible.

    Any suggestions are welcome ??

    Personally, I don’t see how it could be possible. I’m willing to be wrong…

    Why install in one subdirectory and display from another?

    You should have your wordpress in my-site.com/ or in a sub-domain. I have my blog in blog.taragana.com/
    That is the simplest configuration. Don’t have WordPress address & blog address in different directories in spite of what you read, unless you have some special needs. Ton’s of blogs and blog networks run on this simple configuration.

    With the above configuration your problems should solve itself.

    Thread Starter oce


    Hello everybody. First of all, thanks for your replies ??

    ? Why install in one subdirectory and display from another?” ?

    Well, my web have several sections. One of them is “my blog”. I want that my index page (https://my-site.com/index.php) as a “front page” (with some general info and links to the sections: about, music, blog, etc.)

    I don’t want make any section statically, having WP I can make every section inside of WP. But I want have the blog section URI like https://my-site.com/blog/, the music section URI like my-site.com/music/ etc, and posts URI or category URI like “my-site.com/blog/…”

    How can I get this structure using WP? If I have to put the WordPress index.php in another side, it doesn’t matter (but the blog URI should be my-site.com/blog/)

    Cheers! ??

    Here’s a suggestion. Install and run WordPress from the root, but then edit the permalink structure (from the WordPress panel) to “/blog/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/” (or whatever structure you like, but prefixing /blog )

    You can probably also alter the Category base to “/blog/category” or something. You can experiment with this.

    With these changes, all your blog pages’ URLs will start with “blog”.

    Then you can change your front page to a static page by following the instructions here:

    Any other pages you create won’t have “blog” in them, which I think is the desired effect.

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    Hi again

    jrawle, thank you very much. It’s just i need ?? Now works like I wanted.


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