• jcl7


    Hello! I am using Cloudflare plugin with W3 Total Cache and Autoptimize. Must I to disable Minify on Cloudflare: Untick Javascript Minify, CSS Minify and HTML Minify for avoid problems on my site or it is not necessary?

    Hoping your answer as soon as possible. Thanks.

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  • Hi @jamieclaussells,

    Enable minification in either Autoptimize or Cloudflare, but never both.

    Test each one independently and use the set-up that yields the best results for your website(s).

    webpagetest.org (online tester) can help you determine that.

    Best wishes ??

    Thread Starter jcl7


    Hi @generosus! Thanks for your help! I am going to try your advice. But I have another question, can I enable minification html only on CloudFlare and the CSS and JavaScript minification enable on Autoptimize?

    At this time, I have minification setting to CSS, JavaScript and HTML on CloudFlare and Minification CSS and JavaScript enable on Autoptimize but disable for HTML.

    Yesterday, my page speed insights results were 61 on mobile and 95 on desktop, but it will be change constantly.


    Thread Starter jcl7


    Hi @generosus! Hoping you are well. I did the following configurations:

    On CloudFlare, I have HTML minify > enable; CSS minify > disable; JavaScript minify > disable.

    On Autoptimize, I have HTML minify > disable; CSS minify > enable; JavaScript minify > enable.

    I have HTML minify > disable on Autoptimize because I read that this feature remove whitespace and do this can cause glitches on some sites. So, at this moment I don’t have a staging site for test before implementing it on production environment.

    I wait a time and test my site at Page Speed Insights and my results on mobile was 67 and on desktop continues at 95.

    What do you think?


    Hi @jamieclaussells,

    As you probably know, Minification alone will not help improve your score or website performance.

    If you are able to back up your website, I would experiment with the following;

    1. Minify HTML, JS, and CSS with Autoptimize. Use the other plugin features as well.

    2. Use Cloudflare for what it is … a CDN. Mainly, enable only: HTTPS, Brotli, WAF, Page Rules, and APO (only $5/month, but well worth it). The rest will not help much. We’ve rigorously tested all of their features. Feel free to experiment with them. Each website responds differently.

    Also, I would not rely on PageSpeedTest alone to identify your website’s issues. I would use webpagetest.org (online tester) and Lighthouse (browser extension).

    And finally, do not use more than one cache plugin or plugins with duplicate features.

    In our case, we use SG Optimizer, Perfmatters, and Cloudflare Pro. These plugins do not overlap. Each plugin offers a unique feature. Our website loads in less than 2 seconds (more important than scores). Our scores are Desktop (100) and Mobile (97).

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Best wishes!

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