• Resolved BioGuy


    I have a basic library of 1,000’s of PDF’s and I’m trying to find a way to allow free viewing of all pages and posts as well as search results but when a visitor clicks a PDF download link the system must check to see if the visitor has already logged in. If not, the visitor would be redirected to a new post with download policy info and links to either log in or register. If logged in the download would be allowed to proceed.

    The problem is that most download managers seem to create their own custom file folder structure within the uploads folder. Unfortunately I’m compelled to use only the standard WP system or one of my other plug-ins (hardwired) will lose “sight” of the PDF files.

    Does MLA have any permissions features?
    Anyone have any ideas?


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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your interest in the plugin and for your question. I regret that there is nothing specific in the current MLA version that checks permissions or supports download restrictions along the lines you desire.

    You could link to the “Media Page” for the PDF document rather than linking to the document itself. You could modify the WordPress template for the Media page to check the login status and account capabilities. If they meet your requirements you could redirect to the document download. If they fail your tests you could display the download policy and links.

    I am traveling until October 7, but I could work with you to flesh out this approach after my return, if you need more specific help. I will leave this topic unresolved until I hear back from you.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    It has been several months since my last post and I have not seen anything further on this topic. I assume you have found a solution that works for your application.

    I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions regarding my earlier suggestions. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.

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