Hi Andreas,
your questions are not easy to answer. You want to have the most complicated case. ??
It’s always more difficult to work in a login page with the theme’s header, since the styles of the theme are there plus the wp-login and the A5-login.
Depending on what theme you have or how you have configured the plugin’s CSS, you’ll have styles in the html document which might be declared later than the style sheets are imported and thus overwrite everything which is not marked as !important
In your case that means the following order:
- Custom Login inline styles
- Core stylesheets (dashicons, buttons, forms, l10n, login)
- Google stuff
- Custom Login Widget inline styles
- Other inline stuff
- Plugin and theme stylesheets
- Theme inline styles
- More theme stylesheets
- Inline style for the Bibletext
That’s a lot of chances to override your inline styles from the beginning.
Things to do are to either further define the CSS for the button in the plugin’s settings or go to the custom CSS section of your theme and enter some styles there.
And be very specific. Otherwise, you won’t affect that darned button. If you look at the source code, you’ll see that it has the id wp-submit inside the p element with the class submit.
Address it with .submit #wp-submit
. If it doesn’t help, write an ‘!important’. That should do the trick.