• I’m hoping and planning on releasing my version of the Andreas08 theme, but I want to make sure things look atleast the same in both browsers first.

    Also, I’d like any feedback and or suggestions for it, before the possible release..thanks in advance! And Kate, if you can, maybe help me with the support issues when and if I release this…thanks. =) Because my court hearing is this Friday, and if they put me in Jail, I might not have access to the net lol!!



    Everyone, let me know of any bugs and stuff in both browsers, I did my best to have them appear in both browsers, and to get them to validate properly..

    Also, this installs just wonderfully…except for two vaildation errors….which I had because the Archives block… the li’s weren’t listed so I removed the block, from the location of the install. And the other was because I had the link for the “blog title” wrong, but fixed that as well!….

    Of course, the color scheme can be changed at any time as well. It’s up to you then..

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  • Quite a nice looking template spencerp, keep up the good work!

    Thread Starter spencerp


    @lemaxim: Yeah, so am I. =) By the way, I got your email lastnight and will reply to it soon. I’m just a little busy for a few days, got the kids. =) Just have been online here and there, to keep up with forum replies and such, but I will get to the email then ok.

    @darkpro: Thanks for the nice comment and being supportive =) Hopefully once I get these problems taken care of, I’ll then be able to release it..

    @goutweed: Thanks.. =) Yeah, I kind of was going the dark route, but yet “tried” to keep it a “happy medium” with the darkness, and yet tried to make it so it’s not overly dark.

    As for the search bar and such, I’ll try to come up with something a little shorter then. As it is now, it took me forever to get it just right in IE and FF. But, I’ll mess around it with more later today probably. =) I was even thinking about using an image for the search button, rather then that style there..

    But I’ll mess with it more later.. I might even not worry about the stupid button all together lol! I dunno..but thanks for your opinions, suggestions and nice comment. =)

    @devilmaycry: Thanks for your supportive comments =) After visting your blog, I was like: OMFG that is sweet looking!

    Awesome job with your blog devilmaycry, I can only imagine how much more you could improve the A08r theme if ya had a copy of it lol.. =)

    To everyone, thanks again for your supportive comments, and hopefully, just hopefully, I can get some of these current problems taken care of…. =) Then I’ll be able to release it in the near future.. =)


    Thread Starter spencerp


    Alright, I’m planning on PRE-releasing this AO8R Theme soon. (Click link for demo.) I know she ain’t the greatest looking in the world, but it’s an attempt. =P

    This is going to be with LIMITED support, being that if I do go to jail for three months, I simply won’t be around to help LOL! But you can post your support issues in the Support Forums as a new topic, or to this thread. (Or even the pre-release and actual release thread when it’s up.)

    Also, I’m still having the following problems with it, I’m not sure why, but that’s how it is. =( Maybe someone with more Mac/Safari experience can tweak the way it looks in the Safari browser too. =) As for that CSS error, I’m not sure what’s going on with that, but maybe someone else can get it, more eyes on a problem is better then just one. =D


    With that said, I’m going to try and update the ReadMe file quick and then post a NEW THREAD on it being a PRE-Release. I hope these problems can be sorted quick then..but if not, I guess we’ll just have to leave it like it is.. sigh. Thanks for your time.. =)


    ALSO, I’m currently working on a Revamped version of the AO8R, with more of a blocked layout. Kind of like https://www.ryanbrill.com ‘s layout.. =D

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