The seven-day trial expired, then I noticed the Powered by WordPress reappeared in the footer.
Checked the settings and the selection box was still checked to remove the Powered by WordPress. Okay, obviously the original plugin has stopped working.
Deactivated the upgrade plugin and the site immediately disappeared, “There has been a critical error on your website.” What a surprise that was!
There were no other warnings, as soon as the deactivate action was initiated the site died, disappeared to the blank “There has been a critical error on your website.”
WordPress 5.5, PHP 7.4.9
Both “Options for TWENTY TWENTY” plugins were deleted, status remained the same, site dead.
Deactivated all plugins and the site recovered. Reinstalled Options for TWENTY TWENTY, because I like it, you have done a great job on it and reactivated.
The Powered by nag remained active, unselected the box, saved, reselected and saved the setting and the nag disappeared.
Granted, I can do a lot of this using the functions.php, however, I like the convenience of the plugin.
I am a happy camper now as the site is restored and operational.
I do apologize for venting because the deactivation and screen of death appeared simultaneously at the most inopportune time. It was extremely frustrating and annoying.
It would appear another plugin triggered the collapse and conflict when the Upgrade Options for Twenty Twenty was deactivated. I will need to continue trial and error with each one to isolate it.
This story does have a happy ending, I recovered the site and restored the Options for Twenty Twenty because I like it. I will find out what rogue plugin created the screen of death if it was another plugin that caused the site collapse when the Trial Options for Twenty Twenty was deactivated upon expiry.
Throw me a bone here and I will purchase the Upgrade because I like it. In all fairness, you do a good job. ??