• bilal-qayyum


    Hello Dear Readers
    I’m suffering through a great kinda problem. I’m a wordpress user and running it under SE needs and requirements. I don’t know where I did a mistake, but everytime I post and new blog, an image code brought up alongwith the post and causing duplication. Like image code only appears in the begnining of the post and after greater than sign the post will continue with its original page title.. it is something like that

    Page title:- widget092 >>> widget green, red, blue

    on the above widget092 is auto generated in every post.. it is very frustrated for me to remove them. but when I put the same page title by using All in SEO pack, it is (widget092) removed from the title. But dear I have more than 500 unique posts ?? can someone suggest me what to do or tell me any setting from that I can be faciliated. Besides, wheneven I opened up a post, it has no code there in title ?? so this means that the image with number is genearted automatically.

    please help me out



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  • mrmist


    It’s not very clear exactly what your issue is. Could you link to the problem?

    If you are seeing code inserted into every post, you should check either your theme (index and single post), or your plugins (disable them all to see if it goes away.)

    Thread Starter bilal-qayyum


    Hey thanks for the reply, yes I have seen the image code with each post, I have just recntly moved from older them to a new one. But when I fill up the fields of All in SEO, it will no more appear alongwith the post, I mean the image code. I have start doing with the same practice that to insert page title by using All in SEO pack. and it is ok with that, but what about my older posts which are round about 500 ?? I’m not well versed with the programming ?? please help me out

    Thread Starter bilal-qayyum


    hey i thik the problem is with my RSS, whenever I clicked on it .. It gives me a msg, please read and tell me what to do

    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. 
    Reference to undefined entity 'laquo'. Error processing resource 'https://www.pocketberry.com/feed/'. Line 11, Position 36 
     <title>PocketBerryPicture 218319 &laquo; </title>

    thanks in advance

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