• pardon the stink but I feel like venting.

    I installed wordpress today. the intention was to go in, customize the design I did in photoshop a bit and be up and running within two hours. I am an art director working for a large ad agency. a designer by trade, I never bothered much with coding. yeah, I know basic html and that is that. and why bother. I do tv. I remember having had a blog a couple years ago, I essentially threw a page together and replaced the dummy text with tags where the software should place the entries, headlines and so on. easy, I thought. two hours and I’ll be done.

    of course I failed miserably. programming is tough. css is tough.
    and all those files now needed for the themes? they might be a lot easier for updates and daily fixes but you know what? I only need to do this once or twice and when I initially looked at this heap of files, I was intimidated and lost. it’s a steep learning curve. I don’t think of myself as the most easily intimidated user. I was willing to sit down and read a bit about it. but I gave up.

    my rant is about themes. I am doomed to use them. I am doomed to use something someone else has designed and programmed that anyone else can use and that a few probably do. I feel my individuality is being crushed.

    I wished there was a simpler option.
    I wished it was 2000 again.

    when all it took were a few ah-ha moments and you had the thing doing what you wanted it to.

    maybe I am missing something?

    has simplicity really fallen by the wayside?

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  • What you did is static website. WP is dynamic. With static website, if you change, say, the header in one page, you have to update every other page. In WP, you just need to make the change in one place.

    Tell me which one is easier. Writing an entry for your static web site compared to writing an entry in WP?

    So, yeah, dynamic website (WP) is harder to customize in the beginning but easier to maintain than static website.

    Programming is tough. CSS is tough. That’s the reality and, please, face it.

    You don’t want to learn? Well, then face it: You have to use available themes. Or pay someone to create customized theme.

    You can be up and running in less than two hours if you choose to use one of the two “pre-installed” themes that comes with WordPress.

    No images are necessary and all “relevant” code has already been inserted into the template files. So bascially, you can start posting away almost immediately, using what’s provided.

    The only time the “famous” five minute install billows out to lengthy delays is when the basic install goes haywire – not in your case – of when a user wants “something” nicer, than the standard box and grab themes.

    And that’s Individuality, speaking. We all want something different than the stock standard supply – something that ultimately reflects our personalities, good and bad.

    From one user to another, I understand your frustration, really. Sometimes, when presented with something shiny and new we are overwhelmed with all the gadgets, links, theories that we sometimes forget the purpose of this gift.

    To get our voice heard.

    Why not concentrate on posting your content, for the time being. As you post you’ll become more familiar with your new blogging tool. And when you’re not blogging away, you can take your time to read up on other information that will help you change your presence on the web to reflect the owner perfectly.

    Thread Starter krautland


    Tell me which one is easier. Writing an entry for your static web site compared to writing an entry in WP?

    you know, the whole point of blogs to me is that it’s simpler than building a static html page and uploading it via ftp. it’s no more. yes, with themes it’s possible. but I’m a designer. this isn’t my job. my passion is designing and writing, not coding.

    my point is that the simplicity common from static pages has fallen by the wayside.
    the bar of setting up wp to look the way you’d want it to is set so high that the average user has fallen by the wayside.

    kat, it’s not new to me, that’s the point. what I am saying is that it used to be easier. now we have tons of options and features but getting it to look the way you want it to has become a lot more complicated. too complicated if it isn’t your job or passion.

    now we have tons of options and features but getting it to look the way you want it to has become a lot more complicated. too complicated if it isn’t your job or passion.

    I disagree. It’s only complicated by your own expectations. While I concede that you’re a designer (TV), you don’t have to bog yourself down with candy wrappers to get your voice heard on the web.

    WordPress IS uncomplicated. It’s also ridiculously easy to use and modify, especially if you have basic HTML experience which you said you have.

    My background is medical, not design, although in my previous life I did work in publishing and internet start up companies, so I wasn’t a complete nOOb when it came to html.

    And what I didn’t know, I read and asked and experimented and played with until I was competent with said subject.

    My suggestion is to examine exactly what you want to do first. Get your content onto the web or craft a web presence of professional quality? If its the latter, it will take you some time. That’s a fact – not a flaw in WordPress or simplicity.

    Ask anyone who’s ever designed a theme – for themselves or others – and said theme is more than basic wrapping.

    You can get the individuality from using someone else’s theme. Mine uses the layout bones of one theme, and some ideas from a whole bunch of others.

    The problem with sites that are put together in two hours or under is that they look like they’ve been put together in two hours or under. Take your time with your blog and it will look a million times better.

    Josalmon is right. Your hard work will pay off. If this was 2000, my site will look like puke. But with WP and the increasingly easier editing options, you can find a theme from the hundreds of available themes and personalize it in a way that your site won’t even resemble the theme you based it off.

    My blog took months of editing before I was happy with it, and I work on the layout a little more each day. Now it looks great, and I’m not saying this out of arrogance. I did a lot of stupid mistakes and I probably have a lot of mistakes in my code, and I get so frusterated with plugins, but think about the people who are doing this for free to make your life and mine easier.

    It takes a lot of patience, a lot of things to learn, and a lot of questions to ask for you to get things right. I think WP writers understand that. That’s why you have this forum and a wiki page for all your wants and needs.

    Today I just look at my site and many others and think “thank God for wordpress!”

    Stick with WP, download multiple themes and edit them until you’re happy with your site. Then focus on content. No one said it was gonna be easy, but I think we can all agree that it will be worth it.


    I essentially threw a page together and replaced the dummy text with tags where the software should place the entries,

    That’s exactly how the template tags work.
    If you have a valid HTML (OK, xhtml) layout – just place the template tags in it, and you are done.
    All those template files in a theme are just the sliced parts of a huge index.php. See it in this visual anatomy.
    And having the design elements defined not in the code but in CSS – that’s not only WP. The whole web is going in that direction…

    One thing is missing here. krautland has mentioned coding yet he knows html.

    Fine not a problem, WP shouldn’t need any sort of coding. Except what everyone so far has missed: the coding involved in what he wants to do, the design side and that involves CSS coding.

    Not to sound like a smart a** but I’m afraid the state of net design now dictaes some knowledge of CSS.

    And I’m not afraid to say, every blogging platform today will require you to learn the CSS side of coding if you want to “personelize” your blog.

    The CSS is only one file, don’t be intimidated by all the other files. That one CSS file determines the look of every page of your blog.

    I sympathize with you but as the previous posters point out, this is stuff you need to learn if you want to grow in your professional skills – and it’s worth it, too.

    Is is tough? Depends on where you are coming from. Those who have entered directly into the world of PHP / CSS / MySQL while bypassing HTML think not. They see static HTML as tough – and severely limited.

    Can you learn? My friend, I am 73 years old. Learning this stuff is what has kept my brain from shrinking down and turning to mush like a month-old peach. Never had a single computer course. Just picked it up piece by piece, in the context of specific tasks as I needed them, from the generous folks I’ve found in support forums like this.

    Does that work? Starting out in 1994, and asking questions every day, I’ve built a web site developing and hosting business with clients in 5 countries. I’ve acquired a great little set of skills that way, everything from coding HTML to advanced Photoshop, database designs, forums, content management systems like Joomla and (the real money maker for me) shopping carts. I’m now starting to learn blog software such as WP.

    Yesterday I started customizing a WP theme to chronicle a 6-week journey through exciting parts of the world that will start next week. Visit (www.sprangleblog.com) right now and you’ll see I’m stuck on how to cause text to wrap my headshot and how to add a few pixels of padding to that photo. I’ll bet you that within 24 hours after I post that question in the right support category, I’ll have the answer and you will not see either problem again.

    Can you learn this stuff? Whaddya think?

    Hey Joe,
    great post!

    see if this helps for your question:

    Well, that bet paid off in less than an hour, not a day.

    Thank you Moshu!

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